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I just wanted to say thank you for 134 reads. I have no idea how we got here but here we are. In honor of the Christmas spirit I decided to write a Christmas one shot. Enjoy and happy reading.

Alexander couldn't help it. He tried to like it and get in spirit but he just couldn't. No matter how many times he watched kids be forgotten by parents or how many green monsters tried to ruin Christmas he just couldn't. Alexander Hamilton didn't like Christmas. He wasn't a scrooge. No. He didn't yell at happy people or neglect those who were in spirit he just would rather not sing about a mysterious fat man sneaking into his house at night. Maybe it's because he never got much as a child due to being part of a single mother household. or maybe because he thought that it was funny that people were so kind a willing to give but as soon as December 26th rolled around everyone went right back to being selfish. But maybe because he simply had no one to share it with. So with all that being said he was not over the moon when he woke up to a broken coffee machine and a calander that marked December 24th. Alexander trudged to his closet pulling out the biggest coat he could find considering how much he hated the cold stomped to the elevator and into the lobby not even bothering to wave to his doorman Mr. Arnold before hailing down a cab and slamming the cab door behind him. Angry Alexander Hamilton was a force to be reckoned with. Not one Christmas could handle on it's own.

Angelica could help it but decided she wouldn't Angelica absolutley hated the holidays. Always had since she was a little girl. It didn't matter how much time her younger sister's put into making cookies for the fat old stalker known as Sata. It didn't matter how many presents she would recive Christmas morning she didn't like christmas. In 23 years worth of photos there could not be a single photo of Angelica smiling during the jolly december months. Maybe it was because her mother would always make her put on her best smile because " A girl as pretty as you Angelica should always show it" or it could possibly because she didn't like that her youngest sister peggy who was now 20 was a brat all year but as soon as a pair of Gucci shoes had her name on them she would be the angle everyone knew she could be but never was but Angelica's hate for christmas only grew due to the fact that she once had someone to spend Christmas but that jerk had dumped her last year and Now Angelica wanted nothing to do with the holiday. So Angelica was not thrilled when her sister signed her up for the mall charity event downtown.

Alexander thanked the driver before sighing and walking into the mall. It was ridicously huge he wondered how many families you could feed with the amount of money they spent on gross smelling perfumes each month. He walked into a store that would seem like it would sell coffee machines grabbed the first one he saw, rolled his eyes at the insane price then walked to the nearest cash register. When he walked up  to the register he noticed  the worker had a santa hat on meaning that she was doing charity work. Every temporary employee wore the hats during the Christmas season. He looked at her a little longer than what would be considered normal because she was a very pretty woman. Alexander gave credit where credit was due. She was tall only about 2 inches shorter than himself she had long curly hair pulled back into a low ponytail and deep pretty brown eyes with matching long eyelashes to go along with them.  She was wearing a gray pullover sweater with matching silver diamond studs and a red skirt and black boots. She looked up at him after noticing his long looks. 

"Can I help you?"

Alexander realized where he was and shook his head.

"No ,No I just need to buy this and go". One of her eyebrows shot up in a perfect arch.

"In a rush?"

He nodded. Yeah I' not a big fan of the mall." He looked around "Especially not during St.Nicks working hours."

The woman laughed before nodding. "Same I didn't really want to be here but my sister insisted that this was a chance to be in her words not mine ... jolly"

Alexander laughed because that was the most hallmark thing he had ever heard.

She smiled before reaching her hand out for him to shake. "I'm Angelica."

"Alexander Hamilton" Alexander looked at her finger nails that were painted a deep red.

After she slipped her hand out of his grasp  as she looked at the register.

"That will be 78.98." He pulled out his card before she stopped him and took out her own.

"This is my other Jolly deed."

He tried to stop her but she caught him off. 

"No, No Alexander I would be offended if you refused my gift."

After Angelica paid for the coffee maker she offered to wrap it .

"Don't you have other customers to attend to dear Mrs. Jolly."

Angelica laughed. "No my shift is over until next year." After wrapping it she turned to walk away but for some reason Mr. Alexander Hamilton felt like he needed to stop her.

"Hey Angelica!" She turned around surprised. 


"I know I met you like 20 minutes ago but I was wondering if you had plans any time soon."

Angelica seemed to be considering it before asking him a question.


Alexander decided to use the charming smile he knew even Scrooge would fall for.

"Because anyone who wraps as good as you must be special." 

Angelica smiled.

"I normally don't go out with guys who I just met. Not even guys as interesting as you Mr. Hamilton but I will be at the coffee shop on the first floor and if you just happen to sit next to me in that establishment I won't stop you." 

Angelica grinned before turning away. 

"Happy holidays." 

And for once Alexander and Angelica didn't hate the idea of Christmas.

I hope you guys liked this story and have a great holiday with any tradition that you celebrate. Vote if you want more stories or something similar. Bye.

1090 words.

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