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Hi. Wow thank you so much for 184 reads. I hope you enjoy this Hamgelica / Marliza one shot.

Today Elizabeth Schuyler was packing to leave home. She wasn't running away or going to college. Her older sister Angelica had already done both of those things last year. Angelica had run away from home on a dare and she had just gone of to Columbia College with her boyfriend Alexander Hamilton. No. Today Eliza was going on her senior school trip to Washington D.C. The trip was basically just a rerun of the 8th grade graduating  trip but still she was excited. Eliza was just about to pack her second toothbrush when her younger sister Peggy walked in.

" Hey loser. Mom said come down for dinner."

Eliza rolled her eyes.

"Do you have to call me a name every time you call me?"

Peggy bit her lip in consideration before speaking.

"No. but I'm not going to stop."

Eliza yelled before chasing peggy down the stairs. Peggy screamed before running away. Eliza slid on the cold tile floor before running into the one and only Angelica Schuyler. 


Angelica smiled.

"Hey you."

Peggy turned her head around the corner.


"Hey peggs."

 Angelica's parents walked out of the kitchen before embracing her. 

"What are you doing here? I thought that you weren't supposed to be here until next month. Angelica smiled the smile that meant she had a surprise or bad news.

"Well I was but this week was the only week that my guest could visit."

Angelica's family looked at each other in confusion before Angelica spoke.

"You can come in Alex."

And then the one and only Alexander Hamilton walked through the door.

Everyone smiled and went to embrace Alexander except for her father and Eliza. The reasons being Angelica's  father had never really had the chance to bond with Alexander and Eliza's reason being she had a giant crush on him and was now just recovering. It was a lot because Angelica had accidentally learned about Eliza's feeling after seeing Eliza's diary after it had been left out. That discovery had lead to a conversation between the three making Eliza feel embarresed and like a child. They had moved on but it was still a bit awkward

After Alexander had said hello to her parents and peggy he walked over to Eliza.

"Hey Liza." Even though he hadn't returned her feeling there was still a spot for her and her nickname.

"Hey Alex."

After greeting one another  the family had moved into the dining room or as Peggy liked to call it the " Grand Hall of Carbs."

After  small conversation Alex spoke.

"So Liza I heard that you were going on your trip.

Eliza smiled. " Yeah I'm excited. "

Alex nodded before Angelica spoke up. 

"Remember our trip." Alex smiled. That  trip was special because that's when Alex confessed the feelings he had hid for 4 years. Eliza smiled while wondering if she would fall in love on her senior trip.

After dinner Angelica and Alexander departed to Alex's foster Parent George and Martha Washington. 

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