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Peggy was a very impatient. You could be blind and still obviously see that she wasn't the type of person you wanted to keep waiting so it was no surprise when the youngest Schuyler sister was screaming at the top of her little lungs at her sisters to hurry up.

"Angelica and Eliza if you don't get down I swear to god I'm going to mom's and dad's house without."

"You know what Peggy just shut up."

"How about you make me Angelica."

Eliza then thought it would be a good idea to join in on her sisters argument.

"Guys can we please just get ready and go see our parents like normal loving sisters?'

"You know what Eliza you're right let's go to Mommy and Daddy's house and dance under a rainbow just like the Brady bunch."

"You know Peggy  You don't have to respond like a child every time somebody talks to you."  

"Oh boo hoo hoo ask me if I care Eliza because guess what I don't"

The trio then proceeded to argue for 30 minutes and be late to dinner.

At dinner the three sisters were not much better. Peggy had started the dinner conversation by telling about her date with her latest and most promising boyfriend ,Hercules. After 30 minutes of hearing about this guy she had no interest in learning more about Angelica decided to talk.

"Great story Peggy but what chapter do you actually shut up?"

Angelica's father rubbed the space between his eyes.

"Angelica was that necessary?"

"What was I supposed to do dad. She's been talking for 30 minutes you can't tell me you were actually enjoying it were you."

Just as her father was about to try to reason with his oldest daughter his youngest spoke up.

"You know Angelica I'm pretty sure you were born on a damn highway because that's where most accidents happen.

Angelica scowled ,her parents groaned ,and Eliza silently prayed that this dinner wouldn't end up like last christmas. She still had the scar of broken plates.

"Peggy I sometimes sit back and wonder if god just decided to put all of the stupidity and ugliness in one person and called that abomination a Peggy."

"Oh haha Angelica. Where'd you find that one in the big book of bullshit?"

"Well you would know you wrote it."

"You're not pretty enough to be stupid Angelica."

"That doesn't even make sense. What the hell is that supposed to mean."

"It means watch me-"


Catherine stood up while slamming her fist on the table. 

"You two are grown women. Can we not just eat and have a normal dinner like a normal family? I swear to god we can't even sit down for two minutes without one of you fighting. So that's why I've decided I'm going to use the weapon."

The two Schuyler sisters eyes went wide. Angelica was the first one to speak.

"Mom please don't. I swear I'll shut up but please just don't use it."

Catherine shook her head signaling that her mind was made up. Her youngest then tried her luck to reason with their mother.

"Mom I'm sorry .I'll apologize but don't do this. I'll literally beg if I have to"

"Well Peggy you and your sister should have thought about that before you wanted act like children."

 Peggy put her head down and Angelica soon followed.

"Eliza dear would you please go get our "Get along Shirt."

Eliza soon came back with the evil thing the schuyler sisters called the weapon. So for the rest if the Schuyler dinner Angelica and Peggy sat and ate in the dreadful get along shirt. The shirt that they've worn together since children.

Thanks so much for reading and for 392 reads. It means a lot and I'm glad that a few people are reading the story.

626 words.

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