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Alexander Hamilton was once again very Drunk. He thought that it was a good idea to go out with four of his best friend and one not so very best friend. Alexander didn't know exactly what to call Aaron Burr.  He thought acquaintance would do the trick but alas it did not. You see an acquaintance was someone you didn't spend any unnecessary time with and when you did see them you made polite conversation before going your separate ways but that was not the case with Aaron Burr. Alexander and Burr spent lots of time together unintentional or not and when they did it was anything but polite. Alexander took a sip of his drink before giving Mr. Burr the perfect title. After a few minutes of thinking he decided frenemy would best suit Burr. Not quit a friend not quite an enemy. Alexander tipped his head back to finish off the last of the drink before turning to Burr to insult him. Just for the fun of it.

Elizabeth was sitting at an empty table with a drink in her hand. A drinking Elizabeth was really sight to see because normally she wouldn't be caught dead doing something a vulgar as drinking but the occasion was right. Elizabeth's long time boyfriend of two years John Adams had left her for Abigale. Eliza was currently thinking about what made Abigale so great that John would leave her. For one Abigale was very pretty. Blond hair blue eyes and perfect teeth. If you asked Elizabeth that was really just basic. She also couldn't understand why John would leave her for someone so dumb. Abigale was an air head. Eliza was surprised she had even made it to college without failing a grade but then again she came from money and money could almost do anything. Elizabeth took another sip of her drink in disgust. She didn't even like this bar but she cam because she knew her older sister Angelica would start her shift soon and give her free drinks. Eliza sighed and looked at the clock waiting for 11:50 to come around so she could see her sister.

Angelica sighed as she took the keys out of the ignition. She really didn't want to work today. Technically it was her day off but Eliza had called her and asked if she was working tonight. Angelica could her the sadness from over the phone so she sucked it up got into uniform and headed into work. When Angelica walked in she saw her co-worker Maria Reynolds sitting in the employee lounge. Maria was on her phone but when Angelica walked in she looked up and gave her a confused smile.

" I thought you weren't supposed  to come into work today?"

"I wasn't but my sister needed me and she's here so here I am."

Maria nodded before stretching. "Well it's 11:50 might as well get to work if we want to keep our jobs."

Angelica rolled her eyes. Mr. Washington was very keen on having a perfect work schedule so anyone who messed up could guarantee they wouldn't have a job the next day. Angelica and Maria had decided that she would work behind the bar and Maria would help customers. Angelica took her place behind the bar and saw a group of five young men. She decided to ignore them so she could just work and then leave. about 15 minutes passed by until A young man who's name she guessed was Burr or Aaron based on by the cheering from his group. He walked up to her and started to flirt with her. 

 "How would you like to have the best night of your life?" Angelica was obviously taken back but quickly recovered.

"How would you like my fist in your face?"

The young mans jaw hung open as his friends laughed. Angelica couldn't help but feel a small sense of satisfaction. One of the men of the group stood up and started walking towards Angelica. She had expected him to say something stupid but instead she received an apology.

"I'm sorry ... he looked at her name tag. Angelica they're giant idiots." She could hear offended comments from the group but kept her attention on the man. He took out his hand for her to shake. She took it an smiled. 

"Thank you Mr.?" He responded. "Hamilton." 

They had probably been holding hands for too long because the largest of the group called his name. "Yo Alex we got to go."

The man smiled before letting go. He was just about to leave when Angelica stopped him. "Wait!" She took the pen from her apron and wrote her number on his arm. He smiled before mouthing I'll call you and then returning to his group  Angelica just smiled.

Eliza was sitting and sulking before a very pretty women with the name tag named Maria walked up to her. "What can I get ya." Eliza didn't say anything and just stared. The women wore  a confused face that broke Eliza out of a trance.

"I'll have uh um ... well what would you prefer."

The women smiled. "your number."

Eliza's face went hot. Maria just giggled. She slipped a piece of paper to Eliza before winking and walking off. Eliza opened the paper to read a number and a note. "Call me." A few minutes Angelica walked over to Eliza with a huge smile. That night both sister walked out with surprising happiness because the best things are never planned.

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850 words                                  

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