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Alexander Hamilton decided that he was not going to get drunk tonight. Well, he really didn't decide that he wasn't going to get drunk it was more forced upon him. It was his turn to be the designated driver for his friend group. Last week it was Hercules's turn to drive the drunk group home and tonight it was Alexander's turn. He watched with a smile on his face while his friend John Laurens attempted to stand up straight after his third drink. Laurens caught his smile and aimlessly waved.

"Hi, Alex! DId YOu SeE The RAinBOW And UniCorns?!"

Alexander laughed before yelling back.

"I did and I saw the fAiriEs too."

Laurens looked at Alex as though he was the drunk, crazy one.

"EvERyone KNows FAiries aRen'T ReAl." And then the drunk unstable man disappeared into the crowd probably looking to tell someone else about his magical discovery. Alexander leaned back into the couch and took a sip of his soda because as stated before Alexander Hamilton was not going to get drunk.

Angelica Schuyler decided that she was going to get very drunk. Angelica had just had another fight with her long-term on and off boyfriend and decided that rather than face her problems like a mature adult she was going to get wasted like a selfish child. Maybe it wasn't the best plan but it was the easiest. Angelica had dragged her youngest sister Peggy along because Eliza was at home with her girlfriend Maria and Angelica had learned the hard way that you never break up two in love girls because of your own self-pity. Angelica was still recovering from that episode in her life. Angelica and Peggy had been at the party for 30 minutes and Angelica was having the most fun she had had in a long time. It was different when you went to a party with Thomas. Thomas would always show her off and what girl wouldn't want to be shown off but for some reason, the attention always went back to him.

Someone would tell her " Oh, Angelica you're so pretty!" and before Angelica could even respond Thomas would say something like " Out of all the girls I've dated Angelica's a strong 3/10." And whenever she confronted him about it he would always play the victim or find an excuse and that's exactly what happened today.

Angelica had been working and Thomas came to drop off her lunch. Angelica also happened to be talking to her co-worker like a normal human being but Noo Thomas just had to take it personally and accuse her of flirting. Not only did he embarrass but he embarrassed her in front of her boss and Angelica did not take kindly to being embarrassed. So you can guess that Angelica was not the most sane person when they got home.

"What the hell was that!?"

"What do you mean what was that. You were all over him. Any guy would get mad if his girl was flirting with someone else."

Now if Thomas would have said something like. I felt like you were flirting but I understand that it's a misunderstanding and I'm sorry Angelica would've let it pass but that was not even close to what he said.

Angelica took a deep breath before speaking. " What did you say?"

Thomas sneered before repeating himself. " I said. You were all over him. Any guy would get mad if his girl was flirting with someone else."

Angelica closed her eyes and began to count to ten but she hadn't even gotten to five before exploding.

" First of I was not all over him. I was laughing about how bad the coffee was in the break room. But Sure accuse me of something I didn't do because you know absolutely everything that goes on in my life! and second of all don't ever act like you claim me because you know what Mr.Jeffershit you aren't Shit so you know what GO.TO.HELL."

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