20-The Department Of Mysteries

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 During one of the weekends, you had met Sirius Black. You gathered with a few other people at the Weasley's home.

"Hi! I'm-"

"Y/N. Yes, I know. I'm Sirius. A pleasure to meet you." You small-talked with him, mostly about Hogwarts and Harry. Until Harry came up to you.

"Y/N, Hermione's looking for you. And I see you've met Sirius."

"Yeah. . . I'll go to Hermione. Where is she?"

"In Ron's room. I'll be there in a second."

"Great, lovely meeting you, Sirius." You walked over to Ron's room.

Meanwhile . . .

"I can see the way you look at her. Good choice. Polite, smart, and knows a lot about you. Well, so far as I can tell." Sirius told Harry.

"What? Oh. . . Yeah, Y/N. I've been in love with her since the second year. But we've just never really had the right timing."

"I'm sure that there will be other people who will want her. So, as your godfather, I suggest that you get her before other people snatch her away. Just like Severus and Lilly-. Did I just say that? Just forget the last sentence of what I just said." Sirius sounded and looked dead serious. (Get it? Am I punny? Ha? Get it? No? Alright.:/) 

"That's already happened. Well, for both of us. . ."

"What happened?" Sirius went from serious to concerned.

"Well. . . this year, she saw me kiss Cho Chang, but then she told me that she'd been sneaking out with. . . Malfoy." When he said Draco's name, it sent shivers throughout his spine.

"Ahh. Very unfortunate." He looked at his watch. "I have to be somewhere. Oh and Harry, I have your late Christmas present, I just haven't seen you, so here it is." He handed Harry a tiny box.

"Well go on, open it." Harry undid the very cute lace ribbon and opened the box. Inside was a keychain. "I know it's not much but it's said to give you good luck-"

"It's perfect, Sirius. Thank you."

"No worries. I will see you later, Harry." He proceeded to leave. Harry went into Ron's room and saw you, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione.

"What is it, Harry?" Ginny asked. You knew she had a crush on Harry. She tried to make it sound well not weird, but you knew that she would give anything to be alone with Harry, even if it was only for 5 minutes.

"Ron and Ginny, your father has not returned, yet, right?"

"No, mate."

"I- I think your father is locked up. Voldemort's memories have just been me seeing that."

"Harry, but what if it's just an illusion to make you see what he wants you to see." You knew Marovolo's tricks and hoped this wasn't one of them.

"We have to at least try. What is it's real? Do you want Mr Weasley to suffer?"

"No, I don't, but Harry-" He cut you off.

"Good. Then it's settled. We'll go tomorrow."

"Harry, you're not listening to me. What if it's a trap? If it's a trap then we'll just be lured into their den. They'll be the predator's and we'll be the prey."

"You're right. . . So let's vote to see if we should go, oh and we should ask Luna and Neville to join us." You all nodded. "All in favour of going, raise your hands, while those of you who don't want to go keep your hands down." Everyone raised their hands, including you. "Then it's settled, tomorrow, we'll go."

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