16-Thanksgiving break/1

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(Yes, you guys celebrate Thanksgiving, and you have one week off.)

"Y/N," Draco beamed, coming up to you, while you're going to your class.

"Yes?" You turned around, but still walking.

"What are you doing for your break?"

"Oh I'm probably going to my house, and then Molly is going to pick me up to go to their house for the day or so."

"That sounds fun. Who's Molly?"

"Mrs Weasley."

"Oh, you're spending it with those people." He scowled.

"Yes, Draco, I'm spending it with those people."

"Is it so bad that I don't want you to spend it with- with the Weaslebees?"

"Yes, Draco. It is bad." You replied, deadpan. "But don't worry, I'll be fine, t- they're people I trust." You grinned at him. "What're you doing?"

"Well my father is out of town, and won't be back for a month, so I'm probably just going to do anything, or most likely nothing."

"Well, what if you..."

"What if I what?" He raised his eyebrows.

"What if you went to my house, until Thursday?"

"I'll say yes. But only if my mother says yes."

"Who knew that the Draco Malfoy was such a mummy's boy. I'm about to reach class now, I'll see you around, Draco." You gave him one last look, before turning around.

"I'll see you, princess."


Dear mother,

I was wondering if I could spend the week, until Thanksgiving at Y/N L/N's house. So I would be back in time for Thanksgiving. She was the one who was my tutor last year if you remember.

Your son,
Draco Malfoy

(Narcissa to Draco)


I'm alright with you about going to her house. Just, don't tell your father. I love you, my sweet, and I can't wait to see you on Thanksgiving.

Your mother, 


"Y/N!" His deep voice showed as he ran up to you, whilst you were walking through the halls, going to supper.


"I can go to your house." He gave you a peck on your cheek. He did a 'boop' on your nose. "I'll see you around, princess."


During your train ride, Ron and Harry were at another compartment. You told Hermione about everything. You also told her about how you caught Harry and Chang making out. "Speaking of making out, Mione, why haven't you made out with Ron yet?" Sheesh- that was... a way on switching to that subject.

"What?" She choked on her spit with a horrified expression on her face.

"Come on! I see how you two look at each other."

"Well, honestly I don't know. But don't bring it up or I'll bring the fact that you've been with Malfoy."

"Well... Harry found out..."

"No! Actually?" She was astonished.

"No, it isn't I just made it up. Yes, of course." 

"I get it you're a smart alec." You both laughed it off.

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