38 - Captured At The Malfoy's

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After around 2 weeks of the walk, eat/drink, sleep, with Ron, you were in a pub and a snatcher was trying to snatch someone. 

'Shit. Shit! What's going to be my fake name? How about Rose Beaumont? Eh- Yeah, that'll do.' You thought in your head. You didn't even realize that Ron had beat up the snatcher and stole his wand. 

"COME ON! WE HAVE TO GO!" Ron yelled at you. You instantly got up and started running with Ron. 

"Where are we even going?"

"To another city. I just stole his wand, and I assume he's pretty mad. So, he'll probably come with some of his buddies." He was probably 30 feet ahead of you. "Merlin's beard! You're so slow, Y/N." You froze time and walked toward him. You went in front of him and positioned him so he was facing the other way. 

When you unfroze time, he started running the opposite direction. "REALLY, Y/N?" He went back to you. You patted- more of softly slapped his cheeks with your palms

"What were you saying, Ron?" You put your hand over your ear, almost like you were listening for a response that never came. "That's what I thought." 

After walking, and walking, another city was there. The first 4 'undesirables' were Harry, Mione, Ron, and you. You chuckled. Later in the night, Ron was intoxicated, while you only drank water. No one else was there except for the bartender, you, and Ron. You were just making small talk when a blue light appeared. You looked at the light, and it seemed to be Draco's soothing voice that you missed, you craved for. 

"Y/N, Y/N, sweetie. We have to get you back to your friends. I'll be with you soon enough." Ron suddenly wasn't out could anymore, and you paid the bartender. You and Ron followed the light to a snowy forest, Draco's voice leading you the whole way.  

The blue ball disappeared, and you heard Harry's muffled screams. "Shit! Ron, go get Harry." He ran to him and pulled Harry out of the water. 

"There's something underneath, on the bottom. It- It looks like a sword, but I had to leave the sword to get Harry." He dried him off, and Harry was unconscious. 

"Wish me luck, then." You stated, starting to take off your shoes. 

"Good luck- Wait, Y/N. You're not going in there! Harry couldn't even do it-"

"That's because the Horcrux is on his neck."

"No-" He was cut off by you freezing time. You stripped till you were only in your bra and knickers. Just like a cold shower. Focus on your breathing. And. Go! You raced to the bottom, holding your breath. You didn't panic and got the sword. You swam up, got out of the ice hole, and caught your breath. You set the sword down, dried your body off with your wand, and put back on your clothes. Wait- Why didn't you just use a charm so you could breathe underwater? You unfroze time. "You can't- Wait- Did you just- Y/N! WHY! I WAS GOING TO DO THAT!" 

"It's fine. I'm fine. Get Harry up, will you?" 

"No, it's fine. I'm up." He got up from the snow. "Ok. So let's destroy the Horcrux, right?" He put the Horcrux on a large stone. "I already did one, so either of you should destroy it. Keep in mind it has a part of Voldemort's soul in it, so it'll do whatever it can to keep you from destroying it. Just know that none of it's true."

"Right, Ron you're doing it."

"What? Why me?"

"I've already helped destroy a Horcrux. Your turn."

"But- But you- what do you mean helped?"

"Fifth year. I found out with Dumbledore that the Gryffindor Sword is how you can destroy a Horcrux if you aren't using a basilisk fang."

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