guys ik this is cringy 2020 was a trying time
{Completed} You're a muggle-born who had gone to Hogwarts. It was your 4th year there, and you are in the Hufflepuff house & golden trio(which is now a quad). Your best friend is Hermione Granger. Since...
You went up to your dorm room, to see that your roommate was there, with a cake.
"Happy Birthday!" She screamed while lighting the candles with her wand. You totally forgot that today was your birthday (24 Nov.)
"Aww. Thanks!" You blew out your candles. "Do you want a slice?"
"I'll take a slice, but birthday girl gets it first." (You used your wand for almost everything btw) You said a spell that sliced it for you and took 1 slice while giving another to your roommate. "Again, thank you so much." You both started filling your mouths with cake. "Oh my Merlin, this is absolutely delicious."
"Thanks. So, did you want to go to like Hogsmeade, or something?"
"Yeah let's do that."
"Wait, did everyone else forget." She said with pity
"Erm yeah, including me."
"Well never mind that, do you want to invite some other people?"
"I'm just going to invite Hermione. Do you want to meet in the hallway, next to potions, in like thirty minutes?"
"Yeah, sure. See you then. Well, after we both get ready."
You both got ready. You wore a Hufflepuff scarf, black ripped jeans, and a redshirt. You went to Hermione's dorm room, seeing her there, instead of down in the common room, celebrating.
"Hey, Mione."
"Oh hey, Y/N. What's going on?"
"Oh erm, did you want to come to Hogsmeade with Y/R/N and me, for my birthday?"
"Oh, my Godric. I'm so sorry, Y/N. We were all caught up with the task. I'm so sorry. But yes, of course, I'll go with you."
"Great. I'll meet you in the hallway, next to the potions lab, in fifteen minutes."
"Alright. I'll see you then." As you were walking away..." Happy birthday, and again SORRY!!!"
"Hey." Hermione came. Then your roommate came. You all went to Hogsmeade. You ended up getting a really cute dress, and some sweets. Y/R/N got some sweets, and Hermione got a dress. And guess what. Hermione paid for your dress, and your roommate paid for your sweets. "Aww, thank you, guys."
"Don't even worry about it."
You then had dinner and went to sleep. (BTW the next day, Harry and Ron kept on apologizing to you.)
(Dec. 10. )
"The yule ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard tournament since its inception. On December 20th, we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity as representatives of the host school. I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward, and I mean this literally because the Yule ball is first and foremost a dance." (Sorry ik this ain't the real date, something else will happen :/)(Also, I don't have the book or movie with me at this time, so it will NOT be 100% accurate, the dialogue)
"Silence! The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizarding world for nearly 10 centuries. I will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling bumbling band of the Boone's."
"Try to say that 5 times faster now." The twins whispered to each other. They kept whispering, while McGonagall kept explaining things...
"Now to dance is to let the body breathe inside every girl a secret smaller slumbers longing to burst often take a flight."
"Something about a person for something and that 'it doesn't need to swab inside.'" Ron said to Seamus.
"Inside every boy, a lordly lion prepared to prance. Mr Weasley." She said to Ron
"Yes." He said, under his breath, not wanting to know what she would say next.
"Will you join me please." He got up, while McGonagall grabbed his sweater, while Harry and Seamus pushed him towards McGonagall. "Now place your right hand on my waist."
"Where?" He said with worry.
"My waist. Mr Filch, would you please." Mr Flitch put the thingy on the record, making a music sound. "1-2-3. 1-2-3. 1-2-3." They danced around while Fred and George were mocking them.
"Oy. Never let me forget this, alright." Harry said to the twins.
"Never," They said in unison.
"Everyone comes together." You and the rest of the girls reluctantly got up. "Boys, on your feet." Neville got up, followed by the rest of the boys. You got paired with Draco Malfoy.
"Bloody hell. Not you, Malfoy."
"Why what's wrong with me?" He said with his signature smirk on his face. "Now, come on, L/N. Let's just dance, and get this over with."
"Alright. Fine." You both danced. You accidentally stepped on his toes. "Oh, my Merlin. I'm so sorry Draco. I mean Malfoy. I mean Draco Malfoy."
"Aghh. It's fine. Here, this is how you move your feet." He showed you how to actually dance.
"Class is over. Go to your next period, now."
"Thanks, Malfoy." You said with a smile on your face.
"Don't worry about it, L/N."
The night after the first dance lesson, your bird came to your window.
To Y/N L/N
From The Malfoys
You read. You wondered what it was going to be about. You also wondered why it wasn't delivered to you at breakfast, today. You opened it...
Dear Y/N LN,
we were wondering if you would be able to stay at our house, to tutor our dearest Draco, from the 21st of December to the 23rd of December. Now, since it is a holiday, and it's not at school, we are willing to pay you 3x the amount you would normally get, per tutor session. Go with Draco, once the train gets back. Our help will get you to our home.
Narcissa Malfoy
You thought to yourself "Ughh, now I have to spend part of my holidays at the Malfoy's. At least I'll get paid 3x my pay rate." You then went down to the common room, to read before you went to bed.
Hey guys... sorry this chapter isn't the best... it's erm slow-building . . .
But tomorrow, it might get S P I C Y. IDK.
Also... here is the dress that you got. . .
but yours is a bit poufier and the top part doesn't have that lace or tulle IDK what it's called (that goes to your clavicle)
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Also, I might not be able to post because of my sis sooo yeah. Until next time!