28-Can We Follow Them?

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*Time skip to Slughorn's big party thingy*

By the way, you just made up with Ron, saying things like 'sorry, I shouldn't have called you a git.

You got ready in Hermione's dorm, just small chatting.

"Hermione Granger, I can't believe that you actually decided to go with McLagan. Even though Ron's a git, you should've still asked him."

"At least Ron'll be jealous."

"Not the worst of tactics. Now come on, we have to make you look even hotter, to make Ron jealous." You applied some makeup on her and did her hair. She looked gorgeous. "Ron'll definitely be jealous of you." She looked in the mirror and smiled.

"Thank you, Y/N- wait. How come you're not dressed yet?"

"I'm going to get ready. But, I thought it's more important that you look as hot as possible."

"Thank you, Y/N."

"Of course. Now, I'm going into the loo to change." You brought your dress and changed in the loo. You were wearing a silk black dress, that went down to your ankles, with black flats. You curled your hair then brushed it (to make it wavy) and went out of the loo, to greet Hermione. When you went out, she gasped.

"Oh. My. Merlin. Y/N, you look so good!"

"Thanks. Are we ready to meet Harry and the pig- McLagan in the common room?"

"We are." You got your coat and wand, then exited the Girl's Dormitories to meet the boys. As you went down, you saw Harry, sitting by the fire. As he heard footsteps, he looked toward you.

"Y/N you look beautiful. As do you, Hermione."

"You look handsome, Harry." You smiled.

"Why, hello, Hermione." You looked behind you to see McLagan greeting Hermione. Did he just call her Hermione instead of Granger-.

"Hello, McLagan." She put on a faux smile.

"Please, call me Cormac."

"If you say so. . ." 


You were walking in the halls with Harry, just joking around, going toward Slughorn's party, until you heard a noise that didn't come from either one of you. You stopped laughing and slowly put your pointer finger over your lip. You grabbed your wand. "Lumos." You whispered. You went toward where the sound was, Harry held your hand. You found Draco. Of course, he looked so hot with his black suit- NO! STOP THINKING LIKE THAT Y/N!!! "Oh, Merlin. Malfoy, why'd you stay so silent? And I can see you there, also, Jared." 

"We- We were just hanging out." You pulled back your wand and cocked your eyebrow, slightly. 

"In a corridor? At this time of night? Trying to stay silent? Jared, you're being pretty suspicious." You crossed your arms.

"Yeah, we're- drunk." Dra- Malfoy put his hand around Jared's shoulder, having his normal smirk on his face.

"If you say so. . .I'll see you both around, then?" You didn't know what they were up to but you didn't like it. What if today was the day that they would. . .  You grabbed Harry's hand and started walking again. "Harry, they're being weird- Well, weirder than usual."

"I know, I've noticed. What do you think they're up to?"

"I have no idea. Although, I think that Jared might be a death eater, along with Malfoy. I think I saw him at the Borgin and Burks, I just didn't get enough time to look at him."

"So you're actually agreeing with me, Y/N? Thanks for believing me."

"Of course." You both smiled. You arrived at the door. 

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