4 - The Kiss

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The day was now Thursday, the day before Malfoy's session when you reluctantly wake up to the sound of your owl banging on your window. You noticed he had a letter in the grasp of his claws; what a peculiar case of deja vu. You opened the window, letting the bird come in. Still half asleep, you saw it said To Y/N L/N, from D.M. Who's that? Whoever it was, their handwriting is literally professional calligraphy; it's amazing.

Dear Y/N,

Yeah, I know that our tutor session is tomorrow; I don't care. If you choose, during lunchtime, meet me at the astronomy tower. I'll be there starting fifteen minutes to lunch. I'll see you there?


OH! Draco Malfoy is what D.M. stood for! (So big brain😱)

You took a moment to realize that the Draco Malfoy just asked you to go to the astronomy tower with him. . . What the fuck.

What is he trying to get at with this letter? Is he purposefully telling you to go there so he can just prank you and make a fool of you, or is... is he trying to actually hang out with you? What is happening?

In the middle of panicking, you realized that classes started in twenty minutes. You put on a cute blouse, your tie, your robe, brushed your teeth, and put a tiny spell on for makeup. Wait- why are you putting more effort into your outfit? Why should you have to? Do you actually want to make an effort for him? No- it's only makeup, right? (mascara, maybe some lip gloss, then we're on our way) You're doing this for yourself. You're putting on a cute blouse for yourself. All for yourself, no one else. 

With that mindset and your books, you rushed out the door to potions. Your heart almost dropped once you got there, seeing that everyone was present. You then saw that Professor Snape wasn't there yet, so you were safe.

You rushed to your seat, and Professor Snape got there a millisecond after you sat down.

"Take out your books to page 10." The class did as instructed, except for these two in Slytherin.

"Ahh Miss Delores and Mr. Zabini. Do you know what page we're on? No? Well, maybe you should finish your conversation in Detention, at lunchtime." Snape started to walk away "5 points taken away from Slytherin." All of the Slytherins started to glare at those two, making them look like traitors and enemies. It was weird how Snape normally favours his Slytherin but now clearly wasn't that time. (Edit: lmao what's funny is that he's fr the teacher involved w Slytherin, so he'd favour them... Also on a completely random note... I'd let Zabini 'slither in' iykyk)

You then finished Potions and your next; it was time for lunch. As you sat down at the Hufflepuff table, your mind only paid attention to thinking if you should really go to the astronomy tower. You reluctantly said in your mind 'yeah, ill just go for this one time only.'Just for this time only, right?

"Y/N!" One of your classmates called, pulling you out of your thoughts.

"Yeah?" You looked at them.

"You look like you're somewhere else."

"No, that's me in a few minutes." You stated while taking a bit out of a granny smith apple. (Yes, in all of my Draco books, there will be an obsession for granny smith apples) Sooner or later,  it was ten minutes after lunch started. Time for hell. 

"Where are you going? It's lunchtime?" They inquired.

"I'm just going to the library. I'm not very hungry." You shrugged.

"Oh, ok. See you later then." They gave you a goofy grin, which you giggled at.

"See you later." You grinned back.

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