As you were putting on the last of your makeup, your lip gloss, someone knocked on the wall. Ron?
"Ron? What are you doing here, right now? Aren't you supposed to be getting ready?"
"Yeah, the minister's here to see us- You, me, Mione, and Harry."
"What could he possibly want?"
"No idea. You look nice by the way."
"Thanks." You used your wand and did a transfiguration spell so your dress turned into a top and trousers. You went down and they were already sitting on the couch. You sat on the right, with Harry on your left, Mione on his left, and Ron on her left. A parchment- no- his will. That's what was in the leather pouch on the table.
"Here and set fourth is the last testament and will of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. First to Ronald Billius Weasley, I leave my dilluminater. A device of my own making, in the hope that when things seen most dark, it will show him the light."
"Dumbledore left this all for me?" Ron loves to be sarcastic, doesn't he.
"Yeah." He unraveled the leather surrounding it, and it looked like a lighter.
"What is it?" He opened the dilluminater and the light from the lamp flowed into whatever it is. He opened it again, and the light was returned. "Wicked."
"To Hermione Jean Granger, I leave my copy of the tales of Beetle The Bard, in the hope that she find it entertaining and instructive." He handed Hermione the book. The- The book that he showed you. The Deathly Hallows. Why did he want you to keep quiet about the book. He could've already beaten Voldemort, if you told him. Ron started to say the tales and laugh, while the rest weren't amused. "To Y/N M/N(Middle Name) L/N, I leave my memories, your parents memories, and- and Tom Marovolo Riddle's memories to remind you of what your parents were, and what you could be." He gave you a bottle, and when you opened the bottle there were viles of memories. You had to use a pensive to use them. "To Harry James Potter, I leave the snitch he caught in his first quidditch match at Hogwarts as a reminder of the rewards of perseverance-" He got the snitch in a cloth. "-and skill." He handed Harry the snitch, and it was like everyone thought that something would happen.
"Is that it, then?" Harry quickly said, while you had to bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from giggling.
"Not quite. Dumbledore left you a second bequest, the sword of Godric Gryffindor. Unfortunately, the sword is not Dumbledore's to give away. As a important historical artifact, it belongs to-" He was cut off by Hermione.
"To Harry. It belongs to Harry. It came to him when he most needed it in the Chamber Of Secrets."
"The sword may present itself to any worthy Gryffindor, but it does not make it that wizard's property, and if any current whereabouts of the sword are unknown."
"Excuse me?" Harry was shocked.
"The sword is missing. I don't know what you're up to, Mister Potter, but you can't fight this war on your own. He's too strong." Chills went up your spine, making you shiver. "Well, I'd best be going now. Good day." He exited the burrow.
"That was. . . informative." You sarcastically smiled.
"Right." They all sat up. "Let's get ready, now." They left without another word, and you just sat there. You decided to help the boys with the tent, if they needed it.
"D- Do you guys need any help with the tent?" You could tell that they were struggling with putting up the tent. They weren't using wands, so they tried to do it the 'muggle way'
The Tutor || D.M.
Fanficguys ik this is cringy 2020 was a trying time {Completed} You're a muggle-born who had gone to Hogwarts. It was your 4th year there, and you are in the Hufflepuff house & golden trio(which is now a quad). Your best friend is Hermione Granger. Since...