You came back from Thanksgiving break (December 2nd) and tonight you were going to Slughorn's dinner party, or as Ron likes to call it 'The Slug Club'. You were sitting in the library with Harry and Hermione.
"Hermione." Harry whispered, trying to get Mione's attention. Finally, she gave it to him. "Dumbledore's asked me to get to know Slughorn, so tonight, after the dinner, don't wait up."
"Okay- Wait, how come you're not telling Y/N this?"
"She was there when Dumbledore told me." You looked back down at the book you were reading. You couldn't help but feel guilt for some reason, about hearing Snape's and Dumbledore's conversation.
It was time for the dinner- Well the supper was an hour and a half away so you decided to just get ready and so whatever you wanted afterwards. You wore a casual dress. It was tight on the top, loose on the bottom, and it went down to your knees. You only put on a little bit of eyeshadow, eyeliner, and Chapstick. Since it was already dark, you decided to go to Astronomy Tower. You went there and just stared at the stars. The only thing you could think of was your fight with Draco.
"Y/N?" You looked behind you to see the very last person who you ever wanted to see right now.
"Oh, you. What're you doing here?'
"I still just go up here. . . Listen, I just want you to hate me, okay? Hate me to your heart's content. I'm a douche-bag, so please just hate me wherever you go."
"Erm okay?"
"Great. Also, don't try and find me anymore."
"Won't be a problem." You were confused as to why he didn't want you to find him. So he really is a death eater?
You met Hermione and Harry in the corridors.
"Ready, guys?" You were being sarcastic, but not really.
"Yup, I'm ready." You could tell that Harry was a bit nervous.
"Of course." With Hermione, you could tell that she just wanted to get this over with.
"Great. Harry, remember to stay and ask Slughorn." He nodded. Hermione opened the door, and you walked in.
"Hello, children. Sit down, sit down." You all took a seat. Harry on the left of you and you were on the left of Hermione. The dinner was spectacular. However, you couldn't tell what it was, exactly. For dessert, each and every one of you got this huge ice cream platter. During your meal, Slughorn made small talk.
"So, tell me, Commack, do you see anything of your uncle Tiberius these days?"
"Yes sir, in fact, I'm meant to go hunting with him and the minister during the holidays." The pig- I mean Commack answered politely.
"Oh well, be sure to give them both my best. What about your uncle Belby? Those of you who don't know, Marcos, his uncle invented the Wolfsbane potion. Is he working on anything new?"
"Dunno. He and dad don't get on. For Disney Bowser's potions of rubbish. There's only one potion worth of him. It a stiff one at the end of the day." He could barely talk with all of the ice cream he was stuffing his face with. The boy next to him, Blaise Zabini, looked disgusted, it was a bit amusing.
"And what do you do, Miss Granger, what do your parents do? I hear they're muggles."
"My parents are dentists. They help with people's teeth."
"Fascination, and is that considered a dangerous profession?"
"No, but once, a boy bit my father's finger, and he had to get ten stitches!"

The Tutor || D.M.
Fanfictionguys ik this is cringy 2020 was a trying time {Completed} You're a muggle-born who had gone to Hogwarts. It was your 4th year there, and you are in the Hufflepuff house & golden trio(which is now a quad). Your best friend is Hermione Granger. Since...