You'd been at dinner, now, and you were just talking with Jared (Lestrange). Jared was going off about something, and you didn't pay attention, so you just nodded. Dumbledore started his annual speech.
"Now all of you, get to bed." You stood up, cleaned up your plate and left with your members.
---(The Next Morning)---
You had a free period, so did Harry and Ron. They stood on the walls, just smiling. "Guys, I don't want to be a wet blanket, but you should get down from there before you get in trouble."
"Potter! Come here." You heard McGonagall say. You saw them just talking, and then Harry ushered you and Ron to go with him.
"Got in trouble?" You said, while Harry was leading you two.
"Nope, we have to take potions, now."
"But- But I hate potions."
"Either way, you got an Outstanding in your OWL's and I got exceeds expectations in N.E.W.T.S." You reached the potions classroom. "Professor, Professor McGonagall said we could come here."
"Ah, yes. Who are you?"
"Ron Weasley, sir. If I'm honest, I'm a mess when it comes to potions."
"I'm Y/N L/N, professor."
"And you already know who I am, but I'm Harry Potter."
"Gather round and take out your book." Slughorn gestured his hand to tell you to get in the crowd.
"Actually, Ron, Y/N, and me don't have our books."
"Very well, help yourself to what's in the cabinet." You made your way to the cabinet, and there were only two more regular books and one advanced books. Harry and Ron started fighting, but you didn't realize why they made suck a fuss.
"You guys don't have to fight, just get what there is, and I'll take whatever's left."
"I couldn't do that though, Y/N." Ron got a copy, so did Harry, but Harry gave his to you, and got the advanced book. You smiled, but you felt someone staring at you, you turned around and saw the piercing grey eyes, the only person who had those were Draco Malfoy. You made your way to the crowd, in the back.
You heard Mione starting to speak. "Amoretia is the strongest love potion in the world. It has a specific smell to everyone, you smell what attracts you most." You saw Draco, staring at you again, smirking and biting his lip. "For example, I smell grass, fresh parchment, and dandelions."
"Very good, Miss Granger. How about. . ." Slughorn looked across the room. "You, Miss L/N." You were shocked.
"Wha- Me?"
"Yes, come on up and tell us what you smell."
"Alright. . ." You were freaked out and scared. You started to hesitantly walk up to the centre of the room. You smelt the potion, and instantly knew who it belonged to. "Draco. . ." You whispered under your breath, hoping no one heard it.
"Can you repeat that?" You looked back at the professor with shocked eyes.
"Oh- I said that I smelt-" You smelt it again. "Cologne, mint, and. . . blood." You almost whispered the last word.
"Hmm. Very peculiar. Do you know anyone who possesses that smell?"
"I- I believe so, professor." Your gaze flicked to a particular blonde, who was smirking his ass off.
"Very well." He shut the potion, and you shook your head, then returned to where you were. "Now this is Felix Felixis. It is more commonly known as. . . Can anyone tell me?" Everyone was silent until you muttered under your breath. . .

The Tutor || D.M.
Fanficguys ik this is cringy 2020 was a trying time {Completed} You're a muggle-born who had gone to Hogwarts. It was your 4th year there, and you are in the Hufflepuff house & golden trio(which is now a quad). Your best friend is Hermione Granger. Since...