"Aghh. I feel like it's been like a year since I've seen you guys." You said, walking into their compartment. It took FOREVER to find the compartment.
"Right? Me too, Y/N, I've missed you guys, even though it's only been a couple of months." Hermione then proceeds to hug you. Ron nodded his head, showing that's saying hi. You smiled back.
"H- hi, Y/N."
"Hey, Harry!" You smiled.
"Now that you're here, something happened."
"Well, what is it, we haven't got all day," Hermione said, very impatient
"A dementor came after me and Dudley. I had to obviously protect myself, and him, so I cast a spell... I then had to go to a Ministry Hearing because I 'did magic in front of a muggle', under 17." Harry looked so annoyed.
"Er-" Mione didn't know what to say. 'Ease the tension', Mione. "Well, we have to change into our robes now, who wants to stay?"
"I'll just stay until you guys come back, then I'll go." You shrugged.
"Are you sure, Y/N?" Ron questioned, giving you a funny look.
"I'm sure, now go." They left, and you waited, and waited, and waited. You saw the spot you were in and knew it was only ten minutes until you were going to arrive. You decided 'screw it'. You changed in the compartment. You put your robe over your normal clothes and changed out of that. When you were finished, FINALLY they came back.
"How did you change without going to the changing room?"
"I changed in here since you guys took so long!" You emphasized the last two words.
"Sorry about that, Y/N." Harry rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yeah, sorry." Ron shrugged.
"Come on, we're about to get there." You tried to get out of the compartment, but it was so crowded. "Hermione, where are you?"
"Right here. Come on." You guys got inside Hogwarts. You were able to see your dorm, you barely knew your roommate. You passed her in the halls, but you never really started a conversation with her, unless you had to.
"Hi, Scarlet." (Yes, I made up the name.)
"Hey, Y/N. Looks like we're roommates." She sighed.
"Apparently... Do you want to get to supper?" You tried to 'ease the tension', like Mione.
Sounds splendid." You two went to supper, to see that there were new staff members.
"Good evening, children. Now, we have two changes in staffing this year, but please welcome back professor Grubb, he will be taking care of magical creatures while professor Hagrid is on temporary leave. We also wish to welcome our new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher, professor Delores Umbridge. I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the professor 'good luck'. As usual, our caretaker, Mr Filch has asked me to remind you. . ." He heard something and looked back. The bitch- I mean Umbridge stood up and walked to where Dumbledore was.
"Thank you, headmaster, for those kind words of welcome and how lovely to see all of your bright, happy, faces smiling up at me." Everyone groaned and moaned, looking so bored that she was talking.
"I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends. The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards of vital importance. Although, each headmaster has brought something new to this Historic school... Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what can be preserved..." (Yeah no shit Sherlock)

The Tutor || D.M.
Fanfictionguys ik this is cringy 2020 was a trying time {Completed} You're a muggle-born who had gone to Hogwarts. It was your 4th year there, and you are in the Hufflepuff house & golden trio(which is now a quad). Your best friend is Hermione Granger. Since...