"Hello? Are you conscious?" For the duration of the train ride, you have been attempting to get her attention, but her mind seemed to be elsewhere. With your voice finally feeling weary, your last resort was waving your hands in front of her face. This did work; however, it did leave you with nothing to use as a brace for impact once the train stopped.
"What is it, Y/N," She finally noted.
"Why are you in such a bad mood today, Hermione? Come on, what happened this time?" You recited as if you practised this a million times-- possibly you had. In the past four years, it might have been even two million.
"Who knows! Maybe last night, when we went to the quidditch game, we almost died. Who would've guessed that I'm just a tad bit upset about that." Perhaps your mind was blocking that fearful series of events? After a long moment, she clears her throat. "I'm angry; you can see that, but I shouldn't have taken it out on you."
"The past train ride is immediately forgotten. Would you look at that: I can understand why you're being bitchy!" You teased. Her eyes rolled as she left out a soft grunt. She gets so worked up, so you can't help but let out a giggle.
"Is there something funny that I'm not seeing, Y/N?" Two million and one counting of bitchy moments.
"No, I was just going to say we should get our bags. Er, the train already stopped. I also fell from the impact if you couldn't tell." You sighed, relieved that she didn't kill you right then and there.
"Yes, let's fetch our bags. Thank you for telling me, Y/N." She said, gathering her belongings. By the time all four of you were present, her looks could kill. Pulling everyone to the carriages, she yelled, "Come on, guys! You're all as fast as slugs!"
Just in time for the ceremony, the sorting hat bellowed "Gryffindor!" while the house cheered.
You clapped along with your fellow Hufflepuffs as they made their way to your table. After the list of names went on, your interest rate was depleting, so Hermione and you started to mouth words to each other. After quite some time of reading her lips, she mouthed "Be quiet, now, Y/N, I'm going to watch the ceremony." You decided after that you were just going to do what she said and watch the ceremony.
"Alright, settle down now. Welcome to Hogwarts, everyone! I am your headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. This year is very special because we are hosting the Triwizard Tournament." Everyone's ears peaked, whispering and listening to one another.
"We have some very special guests who will be joining us this year. Do make them feel at home."
"Our guests at Beauxbatons." The girls gracefully floated across the room (not literally- Edit: no but fr tho why did I put that there- who the hell would think they floated across the room); they blew butterflies to everyone, knowing that they made all of the boys have butterflies in their stomachs because of them.
"Bloody hell." Ron was very amused by the girls, not knowing he was so loud that you could hear him from 2 tables away. When everyone started giggling, he quickly got embarrassed and started to turn a pinkish-red colour and slapped a hand over his mouth.
"And the Durmstangs." The Durmstangs marched in with power practically glowing off of them. Everyone 'awed' and 'oohed' from the magical fire dragon that appeared.
"Merlin, that boy's hot." Hermione mouthed to you, pointing to Victor Krum. Your eyes widened in shock as you shook your head, letting out a chuckle.
Finally, everyone settled down and started eating. At the end of the night, everyone was all escorted to their dorms. You were in the common room with everyone else; however, after some time, the rest left except for you and Cedric Diggory.
Like most of the girls at Hogwarts, you had a tiny crush on him--a crush that could never happen, of course. Not only because he was popular and whatnot, but because he was seventeen.
Your eyes flicker back and forth between him and your book. Some excruciating moments later, you pop the question. "Are you going to try out for the Triwizard tournament, since you're er- seventeen?"
He closed his book and looked up. "Yes, I am, Y/N, wish me luck, would you?"
"Hah, of course." Merlin, what else are you supposed to say. It's a one and done line that will be awkward for you--and maybe him-- if the conversation continues. Your book was immediately pulled over your face. He did the same, but then pulled it down till his eyes were visible.
Someone knocked on the Hufflepuff door. "Hey, Y/N, mind if I come in?" Hermione inquired, wanting to study from her imaginary classes.
"Sure, come on in." You replied. As she walked in, she noted that Diggory was in the common room.
"I'm assuming that it's a bit awkward, so I'll leave you two be." Cedric put his book back on the shelf and walked upstairs.
"What did you want to talk about?" You tried to pry her mind open like a crab. (Holy- why did I just use that analogy)
"Are you saying I need a reason to talk to you?" She teased.
"No, but is there a specific reason you're here?"
"Of course. So you know how we have a tutoring business?"
You nodded.
"Can we go over who we have so far on the list?"
"Sure." You nodded again, fetching your notebook.
"So far, I have Colin Creevy, Susan Bones, Daphne Greengrass, and Dean Thomas. Who do you have?"
"Let's see..." You read the shortlist until the last name,"Oh, shit. Draco Malfoy."
"I feel so bad for you. Who knew a prick like him would want tutoring! Especially from muggle-borns." She was attempting to console you, but she knew it was better for you than for her. "Well it's almost curfew, so I'd best be going."
"Alright then. Have a good night; I'll see you tomorrow." You waved goodbye as she left to her own common room. You went up to your dorm, and as you were about to fall asleep, you realized that tomorrow, you would be forced to tutor the Draco Malfoy.
Hi!!! Please vote and comment! You have no idea how much it helps me out with the book and it only takes a few seconds. Hope you have fun reading, loves!

The Tutor || D.M.
Fanfictionguys ik this is cringy 2020 was a trying time {Completed} You're a muggle-born who had gone to Hogwarts. It was your 4th year there, and you are in the Hufflepuff house & golden trio(which is now a quad). Your best friend is Hermione Granger. Since...