3 - The Weekend

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After a good night's sleep, it was Saturday. The four of you decided to visit Hogsmeade. After dressing, you met them in the Gryffindor common room. (Mhmm, they told you the passcode, cuz ur their best friend, and you ain't a snitch.)

After arriving to the Three Broomsticks, Harry ordered four butterbeers for everyone.

A few minutes later, Madam Rosemerta came back with the drinks.

"Alright, here are your four butterbeers. If you cuties need anything else, just give me a hollar. Okay?" Madam Roseamerta grinned at the quad.

"Okay." The four of you grinned back, as she made her way through the tables.

"So, er... Y/N..." Harry started.

"Yeah?" You looked up at him, not knowing what this conversation would be about.

"I was wondering if you slept with Malfoy." What the fuck did he just say?

Your jaws all dropped.

"Bloody hell," Ron's eyebrows furrowed in worriness.

"Ron, no. Don't get involved." Hermione said shaking her head and slapping his shoulder.

"What?" You questioned out of disbelief, with visible anger fuming in your exterior.

"Sorry, I don't mean to offend you. It's just I saw you exchange a look with Malfoy, at breakfast."

"Bloody hell, Harry. Where the fuck did that come from?" You gave him a look of disbelief. "But to answer your stupid question- no- I didn't sleep with him. Why would I go around just losing my virginity, and just exchange a 'look' that you pick up on to get questioned this? I literally only JUST started tutoring the boy for one time, I've said it and I'll say it again! One damn time, Harry!"

"I'm sorry I doubted you. I just- I don't even know. I'm sorry, Y/N."

"It's fine. Just try not to bring it up again." 

"Will do." He was glad that you forgave him, and was a tad bit embarrassed. Merlin, he should be. That boy should get what's coming to him. Do you want to know why? It's because 'that boy is PoIsOnNnNnNn'

"Quick question, Harry." You asked, high on butterbeer.

"Yes?" He replied.

"Do you think that everyone who looks at each other ever in history has slept with each other?" You sloppily grinned, unsure of your own thoughts.

"No, of course not. It's just under the circumstances-" He was cut off by Hermione.

"Merlin, do you know what a rhetorical question is? Even high, we still know when to answer questions." Seems like she's lost her mind too. "So, what should we do now?" Hermione looked up at the quad with a drunk smile.

"I don't know." You shrugged. Harry did the same.

"Ooh, do you guys want to go to the candy shop?" Ron was excited for you all to say yes.

"No." Harry deadpanned, a tad bit drunk from the butterbeer.

"Oh ok then." It looked like Ron's happiness depleted right before your very eyes.

"Er- I was being sarcastic. I meant to say yes." Wow, 'great save' Harry.

"Then, let's go." You pulled Hermione, Harry pulled you, and Ron pulled Harry.

----(After the visit to the candy shop)---- 

"We should head back now, seeing that it's six o'clock," Harry noted.

"Quite right. Race to the castle?" You suggested.

"One, two, three, GO!" Ron yelled.

 The four of you raced to the castle. Everyone outran Mione, then it was down to the three of you. Slowly, the two of you outran Ron. Now, it was just down to Harry and you. 

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