33 - WON WON!

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Meet me in the courtyard, next to the tree where Malfoy got turned into a ferret, tomorrow at 1pm.


1pm? You're still in school at that time, tomorrow. Wait, that's your free period tomorrow. It wasn't that for all 6th years, so how did he- they know? How did they know that you had a free period at that time? You started to weigh on your options, and settled on. . .


You were going to go. It's the polite thing to do and you were intrigued- even though you also hated him at the same time. You'd been wearing thicker trousers, a Hufflepuff skirt that went down to your knees, your usual top (bra, undershirt, buttoned shirt, tie, sweater, robes), and you made sure to wear boots, you didn't want your feet to freeze. Before you knew it, the time bestowed upon you, as you made your way to the courtyard. There was only one person there, sitting next to the tree, covered by snow, that one boy from Slytherin. You approached him, and before you could tap his shoulder, he turned to you. You realized who he was.

"Y/N L/N! Right on time." He looked almost exactly like Cedric, just had darker hair, and a few non-similarities.

"Their- It- It can't be- You- You look almost exactly like- Like-" You couldn't help yourself, then to stutter. 

"Cedric Diggory? Benjamin Diggory, at your service."

"Did you transfer here, or have you just been here, at Hogwarts?"

"I transferred here, this year, from Durmstang. Oh! And I'm in the 6th year, as well."

"Oh. . .How come you wanted to meet with me, here?" You made sure to stop after 'me' and 'here' to instigate questions. 

"I've been looking at you for- since the beginning of the school year- I don't want it to be weird that I've been doing that, but will you go on a date with me?" You were speechless. The- The Diggory, whom just transferred here this year, wanted- wanted to ask you out on a date? What! Why was he put in Slytherin? What cunning personality is in him? 

"Oh- Erm- Erm" Eh. Harry would've chosen Ginny, either way. "S- Sure." 

"Great. I'll owl you the details." He smiled, and you both left the courtyard. 


A few days later, you heard that Ron was in the infirmary! Wait- Malfoy's in the infirmary, as well. You could see how Ron was doing, and glance to see how the other boy was doing. You were with Hermione and Harry, and you should just tell him that you're not right for each other. Shit! Why does it have to be so hard to choose. Hermione was holding his hand, while you two were on the edge of the bed. 

"H- Harry?" You forgave him mentally for spelling Dra- Malfoy. 

"Yeah, Y/N?" He smiled at you. 

"I- I'm just going to say what probably we're both thinking. . ."

"Which is?"

"We- We're not right for each other. Either way, I see hoe you look at Ginny, and I- I'm  going on a date with someone else." Not so surprising, he wasn't that sad.

"Oh. I don't want you to feel bad, but you're right, we're better off as just friends, and I've been seeing it too." You both for some weird reason, smiled at each other. 

"WON WON!" That bimbo- I mean Lavender stormed in, pushing you to get to Ron, even though it wasn't needed. From that, you fell forward, almost colliding with the bed, until your hands went onto the bed, instead of your face.

"You alright, Y/N?" 

"Just peachy." You got up, and stood upright. 

"What happened, L/N? Wind pull you forward?" That fucking bitch- I mean Lavender knew what she did, as she stroked Ron's left hand with her thumb. You clenched your right wrist with your left hand.

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