The following day, you were excused from your classes. Madam Pomphrey said you were allowed to go in 3 days. You had no idea why it wasn't today that you were released. In the time being, you learnt more about Tom Riddle.
"Ahhh. Miss L/N, you should be resting." Madam Pomphrey came in, closed our diary and book, then gave you your lunch.
"Thank you, Madam Pomphrey."
"Your welcome. Now, go eat, then go rest."
"Alright." You gave her a reassuring smile, but you knew that you were going to be looking at the book more.
When you started to eat, she gave another lunch to Justin Flitch-Fletcher. She then proceeded to leave to go do Merlin knows what. "Let me guess, Y/N, you're going to eat then look at that so-called interesting book you've been reading."
"What, so I'm not going to keep resting?" You said with an innocent smile.
"Well, you're going to keep resting, but so am I. I got this magazine from that reporter that was interviewing the 'champions'."
"That's great. Is it as daft as I think it is?"
"You bet." You both finished your lunches and continued secretly reading your book, and his magazine. After a bit, she came back, to see that you both cleaned up after yourselves, and were resting.
-----(3 days later)----
Your three days were over, and you were finally able to leave, but you had to be careful because it wasn't fully healed. "Y/N, I'm glad you're finally back, I had to tutor so many people. I'm just kidding." Hermione then proceeded to give you a hug. "Luckily they didn't give you work over the time you were gone."
"Wait. Actually?"
"Yes 'actually."
---(The next Saturday)---
You went to Hogsmeade alone to buy your roommate some sweets. You got some from a well-known shop, and then dug a bit deeper in the shops, and found this one really cool candy shop. You got some sweets from there, then had them put it in a bag. You were just admiring the sweets when you walked out.
"Well. Well. Well. What do we have here." A strange man said. There were multiple of them. You grabbed your wand but they instantly grabbed it from you.
"Trying to use your spells? No matter, we got it from you, girly." They started to form a tiny circle around you (there were 5 of them).
"What are you guys going to do?" You said in a low voice.
"Ha. Good luck, girly."
"What the actual fuck. D- Don't have us get in a fight-" Your voice trembled. He cut you off.
"Like you have a chance." You kicked one man in that area, then got your wand back. You started fighting them, until on the fourth one, they threw you on the ground. They kicked you in the stomach, and you pretend you were unconscious, then when they were about to pick you up, you punched them in the face, breaking their nose. You Started to feel your stomach hurt a bit again, you thought you didn't give enough time for it to heal completely? You started running. You looked back to see if anyone was following you, no one was. Without knowing, you bumped into Draco.
"S-Sorry, Draco."
"Y/N, what happened. You don't look worried like this on a daily basis."
"It's- It's nothing." He pulled your wrist, and your body hit his.
"You can talk to me, it's okay." He cupped your face with his hands, and rubbed it while smiling.
"Well, I was- I was just erm getting some sweets for my roommate's birthday tomorrow, then when I came out, there were these people who I don't know what they were going to do to me. But they- they took my wand, then I didn't want to fight them, but I had to, and erm I have my wand back now... and I think there is one more standing, but I'm not sure."

The Tutor || D.M.
Fanfictionguys ik this is cringy 2020 was a trying time {Completed} You're a muggle-born who had gone to Hogwarts. It was your 4th year there, and you are in the Hufflepuff house & golden trio(which is now a quad). Your best friend is Hermione Granger. Since...