34 - He- He's Dead

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 A few days before summer break, a brisk June day. .

"Y/N, Dumbledore wants us to meet him in the astronomy tower."

"Let's go, then. See you Ron, Mione." Little did you know, this day would change your life forever...


"Sky's beautiful, isn't that right, Harry?"

"Oh, it's beautiful!" 

"Y/N, Harry. I think I've found another horcrux. I want you two to come and find it with me."

"Th- That'd be great, professor." You looked at Harry. 

"There are some rules. There will be tons of challenges. If I say abandon me, you must abandon me. No matter what happens, you two must make it out alive. I'm not important. Y/N, if there's a situation, pause time and do what you must. Get Harry out, and yourself. Do you swear."

"I swear." You and Harry said at the same time. 

"Good, now take my arm. Both of you."

"But sir, I thought we weren't allowed to apparate in Hogwarts's boundaries." Harry was confused. 

"Wait- you're not allowed to? But I did it in my first year- You know what? Never mind." You were both walking up to Dumbledore. "S- Sir? Do you think today might be the day that- You know?"

"I do, very much. Hurry up, we haven't got all day." He apparated you to an ocean next to a cave.

"Dark magic reeks. Can we not get any closer?" 

"We can. Here take the hand." He transported you to inside of the cave, but you were trapped in. 

"B- Blood. We need blood. Here I'll do it." You were about to slit some of your blood.

"No. You two's blood are more valuable." He slit his hand, and smeared it on the cave walls. An entrance starts to form and you're met by a large lake that you can barely see. 

"Lumos." You saw Dumbledore get something with his hand and saw a chain. Harry started to pull the chain, and a vessel appeared, to get across. As you were on the boat, you saw some sort of crystal mountain. You started to climb it, and saw some sort of murky water in a bowl. There was a conch shell that meant someone had to drink from it. The light from your wand dimmed. "Lumos Maxima!"

"Let me drink it. Whatever this does to me, I need you to make sure I finish it. It might kill me, but I need you to have me keep drinking, even if you have to shove it down my throat. Do not give in." Dumbledore was starting to sound a bit scary.

"But sir-" Harry was trying to reason with him.

"Remember what I said."

"Yes, professor." You decided that you had to say yes, and if all else fails then you'll drink it yourself. You got the conch shells and gave them to Harry, who gave it to Dumbledore to drink. You started to feel bad for him, and Dumbledore didn't want to drink it.

"No! No! Please! No more!" 

"B- But sir, you have to keep drinking. Please. Just a few more and we'll be finished." He opened his mouth and drank it. Harry gave it back to you, and this was the last one. After you handed it to Harry, a necklace appeared from the bowl. 

"H- Harry, professor. We got it!" 

"W- Water." He was parched after drinking all of that dark water. 

"Aguamenti." Water filled, but the conch shell wouldn't pick up any of the water. "H- Harry. Can you get it from the water? It wont fill up here." You handed him the shell, and he started making his way down. You started to see these creatures come out, which scared you. They were like deformed humans that started to come out from the lake. THE LAKE! Harry! "HARRY!" He was already thrown into the water. 

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