Chapter 2

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Kenzie entered the lunch hall with her lunch bag in hand. She scanned the many tables for where Peter was before she saw a boy waving at her. She squinted and sure enough it was Peter. Grinning she ran over to him.

"Hey peter" she greeted happily.

"Hey Kenzie, this is Sam" he said looking over at the girl to his right. Sam narrowed her eyes suspiciously at the new girl.

"Who's she?" She asked with a hostile glare.

"That's Kenzie. We met this morning before classes." Peter replied.

Sam looked back at the girl wondering why she felt a weird tingling in her stomach.

"Sam" she grunted sticking out a hand to shake.

"Kenzie" Kenzie replied shaking the other girls hand.

"Don't mind Sam. She's a bit shy and tough when meeting new people but when you get to know her she's lovely" Peter informed Kenzie. Sam's face lightened slightly at the compliment. "You know sometimes I describe her as an egg. Hard, strong and tough on the outside toward anyone knew but soft and gooey to her friends." He continued. Sam buried her face in her hands. She hates it when he uses that metaphor and he knows it.

He grinned with satisfaction knowing that he had pissed Sam off. Kenzie looked between the two, trying to figure out if there was anything more than best friends going on between the two. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously before deciding that she was getting no where with this and she took her sandwich out and took a bite.

An awkward silences fell upon the trio as they ate their food. After what felt like hours Peter spoke up.

"Soooo Kenzie. Who's your favourite avenger?" Kenzie looked up at him clearly relived that she didn't have to start the conversation.

"Hmm" she thought for a moment "It's got to be Thor, I MEAN HES A LITERAL GOD. Looks and all"

Peter nodded his head approvingly and Sam showed a slight interest in the topic of conversation, her head lifting slightly.

For the rest of the lunch break the three spoke about the avengers and joked around together. Sam even joined in adding her input here and there.

Suddenly the bell rung and the three stood up.

"Well I better be off" Peter said waving at the two before heading in the direction of the math classroom.

Sam didn't even bother too say goodbye before leaving to go to the chemistry labs. Kenzie chased after her knowing that the two were in the same class.


Thanks for reading the second part of my story. I hope you enjoyed.

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