Chapter 24

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"Sam, Wade, remember he probably won't remember who you too are. It's okay though just talk to him like you normally would. We're trying to help him regain his memory here. Now who wants to go in first?" Stephen said calmly.

Sam bravely stepped forwards "I will" she said though her voice shook. 

Stephen nodded before opening the door into the room.

Peter was sitting up in his bed watching some film on the TV. He looked up when he heard someone enter. He immediately felt safe despite not recognizing the girl. With trembling hands he turned the TV off. His arms were recovering but they were still very weak. 

"Hey Peter" Sam greeted casually. "I know you probably don't remember who I am but I'm Sam. We are best friends and we've known each other for years." 

Peter recognized the voice but he couldn't place it. Sam continued to speak about random stuff but Peter tuned out trying to figure out why he recognized the voice.

Suddenly it came to him and he timidly interrupted Sam.

"Did you visit me whilst I was in the coma? I recognize your voice, normally there's another boy with you."

Sam's face split into a grin and a few tears leaked out of her eye. "I visited everyday. Me and Wade. He's my cousin but also one of your close friends. HE's outside right now, I could get him if you want" 

Peter smiled at her and nodded. 

Sam practically ran out of the room and grabbed Wade by the arm tugging him in. "Peter, this is Wade. He came to visit you with me everyday."

Peter looked at the boy, fascinated by his scars. He suddenly realized he had been staring and flushed a bright red looking away. "Sorry" he mumbled quietly.

Wade laughed softly. "Hey It's okay, you can stare. Who wouldn't with such a handsome face as mine."

With that Peter went even brighter red staring down into his lap. 

After an uncomfortable silence Sam and Wade sat down next to Peter on either side of his bed. "So Peter watcha watching" Sam asked pointing at the TV.

"Oh, I was making my way through the Sherlock box set. Don't you think That Dr Stephen kind of looks like Sherlock?" Peter said shyly.

All three of them turned their attention to the TV. 

"I see what you mean. He's like a younger curly haired version if Strange." Wade said fascinated. The three continued watching the show for the next three hours occasionally talking but mainly staying quiet. 

Stephen watched from the window, a smile playing on his lips. He would have to send them away soon because Peter was still recovering and needed his rest. He watched the three for a few more minutes before sighing and entering the room.

"Come on guys, time to go. Peter needs his rest." Stephen said calmly. 

The two nodded, hopping off of Peter's bed and saying their goodbyes. Stephen folded the TV out of the way and before checking his vitals and checking on him before leaving the room  with the two teens. 


"Sam, Wade. Can you give me a run down of what happened in there?" Stephen asked the pair.

Sam began to explain exactly what had happened from start to finish careful not to miss out a single detail and when she was finished she was grinning from ear to ear as was Wade. 

"Thank you guys. You're really helping his recovery. I might call you back to talk to him another day but for now let's give a few days and maybe I'll let Tony talk to him soon. If he can keep his emotions in control" He muttered the last bit more to himself then the others. 

"Okay you guys can head upstairs for dinner now. I'll be along shortly." 

The two nodded before racing up to the penthouse where the rest of the Avengers were hanging out. When the saw the two teens grinning manically they were quick to bombard them with questions. 

"why are you two so happy?"

"How was he?" 

"Has he remembered everything yet?"

The group kept yelling questions before Steve suddenly yelled.

"Shut the fuck up all of you! Let them talk!" 

Everyone stared at him.

"Language!" Clint yelled and suddenly everyone was laughing in a fit of giggles. 

Today had been  a good day.


He's starting to remember! yayyyyyyy 

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