Chapter 27

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let me explain the start. It's Peter's memory or what happened and the man who looked like Mr Stark is someone wearing a mask but his memories are blurred so he doesn't know that. So basically they brain washed Peter into thinking Tony tortured him.


The man entered the room followed by another man. His face looked familiar, he looked like my dad. The men grinned wickedly approaching the screaming boy. His torturer grabbed the boy and pulled him up so he was standing. His dad approached him holding what appeared to be a katana. Stark jumped forward slashing out with his sword. 


"Peter! Peter wake up!" 

Pete's eyes shot open and as soon as he saw the man in front of him he started screaming. Tony desperately tried to calm the screaming boy but the closer he got to him the more the boy would scream. 

Suddenly, the door to the room swung open and a team of nurses rushed in followed by Stephen. The nurses rushed over to the boy and quickly jabbed a needle into his arm. Immediately the screaming stopped and was replaced by heavy breathing. 

Tony was on the floor sobbing as he rocked back and forth. Stephen held him tightly in his arms as he wept. After checking Peter's vitals the nurses left the room, leaving the sleeping boy, the crying man and the magic doctor alone. 

"Why?" Tony whispered through sobs. "Why do I scare him so much?" Stephen sighed as he held his husband close.

"I don't know" he whispered softly. He picked up his  husband and carrying him bridal style he took him to the elevator. He had left his sling ring up there and so had to carry Tony manually. 

Tony clutched Stephen's shirt as he cried into it. 'that's another shirt gone.' He'd probably worn about 7 different shirts this week due to them getting soaked by Tony's crying. 

As they entered the penthouse everyone started to blabber loudly asking how it had gone etc. When they saw Tony crying quietly in Stephen's arms they immediately hushed and watched as Stephen carried Tony to their room.

A silence hung in the air for a couple seconds. "What do you think happened?" Steve asked the group. Everyone just looked at the closed door shrugging. 

"Dunno, he seemed pretty upset" Clint said.

"Yeah no shit Sherlock" Nat said rolling her eyes. 

"Hey, I was just observing!" Clint defended pushing Nat lightly.

That was a bad idea. Nat pounced at him. Clint screamed before running away followed by the ex assassin. 

Steve sighed as he watched them run off. "Come on Buck, let's go." He said dragging his boyfriend after him.


"Hey guys!" Wade greeted cheerfully as he arrived back at the tower. 

"Wade, where's Sam?" Steve asked the boy. Wade looked behind him as though he had only just realized she wasn't there. 

"Oh yeh, she's on a date" Wade said winking.

"SHE'S ON A WHAT!" Stephen screeched running into the room.

"Now now old man, no need to get over protective" Wade chuckled.

"Don't call me old man" Strange hissed.

"Yeah whatever. Anyways she'll be back in like an hour or two. No need to worry I'm sure she will have fun. I approve of her anyways, she seems quite nice." Wade continued

"She?" Steve questioned. Wade's eyes widened at his mistake. Sam was going to kill him.

"Yeah umm about that... Gotta go" He suddenly yelled running away. He ran to his room and quickly locked the door. He slumped against the closed door. Sam had offered for him to move in a while ago and of course he had accepted. But now Sam would spend less time with him and more with Kenzie and Peter was still recovering. 

He missed Peter. His cute smile. His hair. His eyes. Everything. He just wanted Peter back. He wanted to tell him how he felt. Now he might never get that chance. Peter would never like him. His ugly scars. His rude persona. He was the total opposite of cute and cuddly Peter. The cinnamon roll. 

Tears began to run down his face. He should've protected him. He was supposed to protect him. His body shook softly as he cried silently. 'Please Peter. Remember. I miss you.' He sighed getting up and placing his bag on his desk. He might as well start on his Homework.


Next chapter is the date!

I have no idea what dates are like because I've never been on one cause I'm loenky!

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