Chapter 15

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Trigger warning: blood, torture, etc. I will put a trigger warning for when you can skip past that bit.

"Hey Peter" Sam greeted softly. "How are you feeling?" Peter blinked a few times before opening his eyes fully. The glare of a lamp made him wince in pain. Sam dimmed the light before taking a seat next to his bed. He sat up slowly.

"Hey Sam" he replied his voice coming out broken and croaky, he sounded like he had risen from death. (totally not me in the mornings) 

"I wanted to say sorry for shoving you against the wall earlier. You scared the shit out of me when you ran" Sam muttered looking at her feet awkwardly. 

"Language!" Cap's voice played. The two looked around in confusion. Where was he? Friday laughed. Mr Stark told me to play that whenever someone swore as a joke. Peter groaned. "Fri can you override that command for me?" Peter asked irritated. "Of course Peter" the AI responded. 

"Sam, I get why you were mad. I shouldn't have run off. I was just so scared. It was the first time I had ever hurt someone who wasn't a bad guy and I just..." his voice trailed off as he chocked back a sob. 

Sam hugged him softly. "It's okay, your safe now" she smiled warmly at him. "Thanks Sam. Your my best friend, you know that right?" he smiled back at her. "Yeah" 

"Okay break it up break it up, I need to speak to Peter now, Sam go get ready for school." Mr Stark said as he entered the room. Sam looked at Peter one last time before leaving him with the older man. 

"Hey Pete, how we feeling?" he asked his voice immediately softening. "I'm better now thanks Mr Stark" Peter replied sweetly. Stark chuckled. "Back to Mr Stark are we? I thought it was dad?" Peter's whole face went bright red as he looked away. "You weren't meant to hear that." Peter murmured quietly. 

Stark laughed again. "You can call me dad, I don't mind" Peter's face immediately brightened."Okay dad." He giggled dashing out of the room. "Hey where are you off to!" Tony yelled chasing after him. "I got- I got school" He panted out as Stark grabbed him and began to tickle him. 

"Geroff me" Peter gasped out. "I got school!" Tony reluctantly put him down and Peter immediately dashed for his bedroom door before entering and slamming the door behind him. He breathed a sigh of relief before spinning round. 

"Hello Peter" Suddenly he felt a needle in his neck and the world went black


Peter woke up in a darkened room. The walls were beige and peeling and there were brownish red splodges all over the walls. 

"Finally awake are we" a taunting voice said from behind the boy. Peter tried to spin around but the restraints held him in place. "Who are you!" He yelled in anger. "What do you want!" A deep chuckle rang out. "You took everything from me, my money, my work, my wife and daughter." Peter gasped as realization hit him. 

"You," his voice trembled. "Hey Peter" The man stepped into the light revealing himself to Peter.

"But- bu- you're in prison." Peter stuttered confused. "And now I'm not." The man let out a cackling laugh. "You took everything from me and now you have to suffer." He stepped in front of the trembling boy a knife in hand.


"Plea- Please don't hurt me" Peter stuttered out trying to shrink away form the man. "Please, please don't. My dad he'll come for me he'll kill you." The man laughed. "So what if I die! I've got nothing left to live for thanks to you" He spat "If I die I swear that I'm taking you with me" 

Peter screeched in pain as the knife pierced the skin on his arm. The older man twisted it digging it in deeper before drawing a line down his arm. Blood flooded out of his arm in a flow. The man giggled before taking the knife out and plunging it into his arm again. 

He grabbed by his shirt picking him up easily before chucking him onto the floor. suddenly, he brought his foot over the boys rib cage stamping down repeatedly. Peter felt something shatter inside him . The pain was unbearable. Blood filled his mouth. He coughed blood spilling all over the floor. The man snarled before leaving the broken boy lying on the floor. Peter coughed again trying to sit up. He was in agony. 

Suddenly, the man was marching back in he room carrying a clear contestant. He picked up the boy dropping him into the container. He sealed it shut and Peter clutched his throat as the air began to run out. He felt a searing heat on his left as the man pulled a flame thrower out and began to spray the boy. He tried to move away from the edge of the box but felt pain flood through him. He gasped for air. This was it. He was going to die. eh shut his eyes in anticipation but was suddenly pulled out of the box and he tried to suck in a breath before he was shoved against the wall by his throat. 

A maniacal laugh escaped the man's lips as he pulled the boys shirt off. He produced another knife from his pocket before placing the tip against the boy's stomach. "Smile for the camera" he grinned maliciously gesturing towards a camera sitting in the corner of the room. Peter tried to say something but all that happened was blood dribbled out of his mouth

He growled digging the knife in. "You're worthless. A piece of shit. Nothing but a weak. Pathetic. Kid. He plunged the knife fully into the boys stomach before leaving the broken boy. 

End of trigger warning

'Stay awake Peter, stay awake. Don't go to sleep Peter, Come on Spider-man GET UP!' He was to weak. He was pathetic. He was nothing but a broken lost orphan boy. 'Maybe a little nap couldn't hurt' he thought as his eyes shut and welcomed him into the darkness.


 I'M SO SORRY FOR THAT (not really though) Hope you enjoyed :)

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