Chapter 32

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TW: fluffy chapter :)


Stephen opened his eyes slowly looking around. He felt his head resting against someone's chest and could feel their gentle heartbeat. He looked up to see a smiling Tony. 

He sat up quickly in shock and fell off the bed. He stood up slowly his eyes scanning Tony. His hair was matted with sweat and he had a few stitches on his face but otherwise he was okay.

He was okay. 

Tears began to fill his vision and he let out a choked sob. 

He was okay. He was alive. He wasn't alone. 

Suddenly he felt Tony grab his hands and he looked up to meet his gaze. 

Oh those eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes. He thought he'd never see them again. He thought he'd never see that beautiful smile again. 

The two sat there gazing into each others eyes, forgetting everything else happening in the world. They had each other. 


Peter sat up slowly. He looked at his arm littered with cuts and stitches. He felt sick looking at the sight. 

He had done that to himself. 

He felt his eyes begin to burn as tears ran down his face. He clutched his knees and curled up crying softly. 

Suddenly he felt a soft hand on his shoulder. He uncurled himself to see  who the hand belonged to. His gaze met Wade's. That beautiful scarred face. 'Stop it Peter' He told himself. 

"Hey Wade" he greeted trying a smile. 

"Hi Peter. How are you?" He asked sitting down next to the younger.

"I'm okay I guess..." Peter muttered embarrassed.

"Hey it's okay we can talk about something else if you want" Wade offered. The boy nodded and Wade began to explain to Peter about how he got his scars. Usually he didn't like talking about it but for Peter he would.

The two talked for the next few hours laughing and giggling happily. Every time the other laughed, they're heart would fill with happiness and pride. They were happy.


The girl walked slowly through the hallways lost in thought. As soon as she saw her crush her face lit up and she rushed towards the other excitedly.

"Hey Sam!" Kenzie smiled as the other girl raced towards her.

"Hey Kenzie!" Sam greeted. "How are you?"

"So Sam are you ready for our date?" Kenzie smiled winking at her.

"You bet I am" Sam smiled. She grabbed Kenzie's hand and they walked out of the school together.

The two raced around town laughing and giggling with each other. They were free.


"Hey Stephen do you feel like explaining what all that was about earlier?" Tony asked his husband softly. 

Stephen lifted is head from Tony's chest looking up to meet his soft gaze. 

"When you got hurt in that fight I was so worried for you. I had a nightmare whilst you were injured..." He paused holding back tears. "I- I thought you had died" 

"Oh it's okay Stephy, I'm here. I've got you. I'm not going anywhere" Tony whispered pulling Stephen close. His husband buried his head back into Tony's chest pulling him close. 

"I love you, Tones" Stephen murmured, his words getting muffled in Tony's shirt.

"Love you too Stephy" Tony murmured back. The two fell asleep cradled in each others arms. They were safe.


A shorter and sweet chapter for you people of the internet.  Love you all <3

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