Chapter 7

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THANK YOU ALL FOR 65 READS!!! no but seriously I never thought I would even get 10 let alone 65. It means a lot. I love you guys! <3 


"Peter Benjamin Parker and Samantha Miller, What sort of time do you call this?" Tony Stark asked in a calm but threatening voice.

"I- Err" Peter stuttered out. "Sorry Mr Stark sir there was a bank robbery and well after we got a bit carried away."

Tony sighed. "At least your back here safe now. But no spidermanning for a week!"

Peter and Sam's faces dropped. He couldn't do that. This was like everything to them.

"But Mr Star-" Sam protested. "And that is my final decision" Stark interrupted before promptly spinning on his heels and exiting the room.

The two turned at stared at each other absolutely shell shocked. "He can't do that!" Peter cried in frustration. Sam just sighed ribbing her temples with the palms of her hands. "He can and he has. There's nothing we can do" she said sounding dead inside.

The two sat in silence staring into space to upset to bother speaking.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door before a quiet voice spoke out. "Peter, Sam open the door"

Peter sighed before getting up and pulling the door open. Dr Strange stood there with a tray of food for the two and some tea.

"Hey Dr Strange" Peter managed, not even trying to mask his sadness.

Dr Strange sighed at the sight of the two teens. "Look, I know you don't like what Tony's done but he's just trying to look after you. He's worried that's all"

"No don't interrupt. I was there when he saw the news of you two in that fight at the bank. He looked absolutely terrified. I had to grab hold of him before he got out and flew off to find you."

"When Tony is worried or scared about something he isn't the best in seeking comfort and his solutions to problems can be quite difficult to comprehend but that is because he doesn't want to show weakness. I know you two may not understand what I'm saying nor believe me but I have been with that man for 10years now and I have picked up quite a bit on his Mannerisms in that time."

The two teens stayed quiet. Stephen sighed again placing the teapot, mugs and food onto the desk before shutting the door quietly as he left the room.

The two slowly began to eat their food and drink their tea.

"Well I guess Ima head to bed then" Sam said breaking the silence. She yawned widely. "G'night Peter" she muttered going over to the door connecting their rooms.

"G'night Sam." He said as she closed the door.


Thank you for reading part 7. I hope you enjoyed.

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