Chapter 30

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Don't kill me after this


Peter's eyes slowly opened. There were multiple people in the room. That wasn't what worried him in that moment. He felt the familiar tug on his wrists and ankles. He had been strapped down again. He thrashed against his bonds screaming violently. 

Not again.

He couldn't be trapped again. 

He screamed and screamed as pain ripped through his arm. 

Why was he strapped down?

Why was he in this room again?

 He wanted to go outside. He wanted to watch the bees as they buzzed happily around him. He wanted to watch the butterfly's fluttering around him.

 He wanted to be free. 

The boy continued to scream the sound becoming more and more inhuman. People were yelling at him now. Trying to calm him down. Peter could barely hear them. 

Suddenly a loud tearing sound was heard as Peter managed to rip one of the bonds off. Everyone stared at the boy as he continued to pull against his restraints. Another rip sounded as he pulled his other arm free. Suddenly Peter felt something sharp enter his arm and he collapsed falling into a fitful sleep. 


Tony sighed. He and the team had to go on an important mission. He didn't want to have to leave Peter. Especially after the incident. He still couldn't believe Peter had hurt himself deliberately. What had happened to his sweet playful boy? 

'It's going to be okay' he told himself. 'Stephen's staying here with Wade and Sam. He'll be fine.' 

"Ready to go?" Steve asked the genius. Tony nodded following the soldier into the jet waiting for them. Nat, Clint and Bucky were waiting inside. They nodded as the two entered and then the jet took off. 


Pain ripped through his body as Tony was thrown onto the ground. He suit was scratched and dented and there was a constant ringing flying around his head. He watched as the man above him brought a sword directly down on Tony's chest, right on the arc reactor before everything went black.



All he could feel was pain

He was vaguely aware of someone shaking him yelling at him. 

His ears were ringing and his head was pounding. He heard someone crying but it sounded as though they were a 100 miles away. 

The person's voice came out shaky and broken. "Don't leave me Tony, don't let me lose you too" Before the person broke down into sobs.

Tony wanted to reach out. Wanted to grab his husband's hand. Comfort him and tell him he was okay. But he couldn't 

His arms felt as though they were made of rock. He couldn't move. He wanted to let go. Let the pain carry him away. Let the pain take him away, carry him to happiness but he knew that wasn't an option. He had to live. For Peter. For Stephen.


Suddenly Tony sat up gasping. He clutched his chest as pain ripped through his body. He ignored the pain he felt forcing his eyes open. As soon as he spotted his husband he pulled himself to his feet and flung himself at him. 

Stephen gasped as a body hit him. He looked down at him. 

"Tony" He murmured quietly. "You're okay" He was crying now. Tony forced himself to look up and met Stephen's gaze. Pain was coursing through his body and he could feel himself giving in.

"I love you" He whispered before his eyes rolled up into his head and he crumpled into Stephen's arms. 


Stephen felt tears pricking in the back of his eyes. Everything merged into a blur. 

Tony being brought into the hospital his arc reactor cracked and half his suit hanging onto his body. 

Tony being operated on. 

Tony laying motionless on the verge of death.

Crying until he could barely breathe. 

The feeling of someone knocking into him. 

Tony clutching onto him.

Tony whispering "I love you". It had sounded like a goodbye.

Tony collapsing.

He remembered being dragged from Tony's body as they moved him back to the room he had been in. 

Now he sat in the corridor crying his eyes out. The best doctors in the country were operating on him. Tony couldn't die. He couldn't.

He couldn't leave Stephen alone. Stephen felt a sudden pain squeezing his heart. His husband, the love of his life, his best friend, could die any minute now.

'Don't think like that Stephen' he mentally scolded himself. Tony would be fine. HE was the bravest, smartest man. Was it even possible for him to die?


Stephen didn't know how long it had been. 1 hour? A day? A week? He didn't know nor did he care. He missed his husband. 

Finally someone exited the room and approached him. "Stephen?" They asked him. He nodded looking at them expectantly. 

"I'm sorry" was all she said looking down. 

Stephen collapsed. No. He couldn't. Tony couldn't die. Tears threatened to spill and he allowed them to. His heart felt as though it had been shattered into 100 different pieces. Pain gripped his heart as it shattered. Not his Tony. He was alone. Alone in the world.


Don't kill me please. I'm sorry. Don't do it. I have so much to live for.... Yeah Ima keep telling myself that one. Maybe it will come true. OKAY DON'T KILL ME IT WILL GET HAPPIER I PROMISE.

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