Chapter 16

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I am so so sorry for the last part (not really but ya know) This part might get better? (not) enjoy! (you wont) You have been warned lots of happiness and joy in this chapter! (Yes sure 'happiness and joy' mm hmm totally yup) 


"Stephen!" Tony screamed tears streaming down his face. "Stephy" he said more quietly choking back a sob. Stephen sprinted into the room and when he saw Tony crying on the floor he approached him cautiously. 

"Hey Tones, What's wrong?" He asked wrapping his arms around Tony's middle. The smaller man cried turning around and clutching Stephen's shirt. 

"Hey hey, look at me, Tones look at me. What's happened?" He asked the crying man softly. 

"Peter" he chocked out "He's gone" Tony's face glistened with tears. 

"I'm sure he's not gone he probably just left for school" Stephen said reassuringly but internally he was panicking. Tony pulled a letter out of his pocket in response. "I- I found this" his voice trembled.


My dearest Tony,

Your so called son ruined my life. He fucked it up. I lost it all because of him. So now he will pay. Now he MUST pay. If that means making his 'family' suffer than that's what I'll do. I'll send you round a disc later so you can see how he's doing. 


Well wouldn't you like to know <3


Stephen read the letter over and over panic building inside of him. A loud sob shook him out of his thoughts  and he remembered Tony was still there. "We will find him, we have" Stephen muttered more to his self then Tony. Tony nodded slightly but kept his face buried in Stephen's shirt. He held his husband close and kept a comforting hand on his back before he opened a portal directly into their bedroom and carried Tony through. 

~like 5 mins later~

"Sir, you told me to inform you when someone enters the building with a disc for you" The AI's voice rung out.

"Thanks Fri. Can you send it up please?" Tony said sitting bolt up right and falling out of Stephen's arms onto the floor. "Ouch" he complained rubbing his arm. Stephen laughed before he remembered what the disc would contain. 

a couple minuted later Miss Potts walked in holding the disc. She passed it to Tony analyzing his tear soaked face for a second before leaving again. Tony did not hesitate in putting the disc into a CD player and a projection started on the opposite wall. He came and sat down on the ebd next to Stephen. 

Suddenly the tape started showing Peter strapped to a chair in the middle of a dark room with the walls peeling and blood splattered everywhere. He heard Tony's terrified gasp from next to him and he quickly put an arm around him."Is he?" Tony asked scared. Stephen shook his head. From what he could tell Peter was just drugged. 

A light started to creep into the room showing Peter to be unharmed as a door opened and a man stepped in. Tony narrowed his eyes trying to remember where he had seen him before. It was that flying vulture guy Peter fought last year! But they had him locked up. Didn't they? 

"Fri call Fury and tell him there appears to be an escaped prisoner" Tony told the AI. "Of course sir." 

Tony's eyes snapped back to the disc as Peter began to speak. He sounded terrified. His poor boy was missing and he didn't have a clue where to start looking. He saw the man pull out a knife as he approached the boy whilst screaming insults at him. 

'If that man lays one finger on my boy I swear to god I will fucking murder him' Tony swore under his breath. Stephen lay a comforting arm on his shoulder. Suddenly a bloodcurdling scream came from Peter and blood poured out of his arm. The psychotic man laughed as he made along slit on Peter's arm right on the vein. Tony almost threw up watching his boy surfer. He hadn't even realized he had been crying until Stephen pulled him closer to him stroking his hair. The doctor knew that an injury like that could kill Peter easily but he knew that the man wouldn't have sent the disc just for them to watch. He wanted them to go rescue him. No. He was torturing the boy to make us suffer like he did. 

Tony continued to weep as the tape showed the broken boy getting punched and kicked from all sides. A loud crack was heard ads the mans boot connected with Peter's rib cage and Tony visibly shook as he jumped into Stephen's arms. Nat ran into the room after hearing the screams from the projector and immediately gagged as she saw blood everywhere and the boy whimpering on the floor. Her face stiffened and hardened into a straight line. A murderous look appeared on hair face as she watched her детка паук (google translate said that was what it was, I don't speak Russian) get beaten. 

"I'm going to kill that mother fucker" She said in a deathly silent voice with so much venom and hatred lacing her tone he was surprised the room wasn't boiling from the acid dripping from her words. 

The man left the room and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but that was short lived as the man soon came back carrying a plastic container. he picked up the broken boy from the floor and chucked him into it sealing the lid shut. Peter clutched at his throat desperately as his air was taken away. "Peter!" Tony yelled at the screen hoping that he would be able to here him despite this being a pre-recorded video. "Peter, I'm here, I'm coming to find you. I will save you. If its the last thing I do" HE chocked back  sob and watched in horror as Peter was burnt with a flame thrower. 

Just as Peter looked like he would run out of air he was pulled violently out of the container by his neck and thrown against a wall. Stephen gasped in horror as a knife was plunged into Peter's stomach. Tony threw up as blood dripped everywhere. A black screen appeared with the words You have 12 hours displayed on it. 

A silence filled the room and suddenly Nat was up and running out of the room. She sprinted straight to Steve's room and he sounds of moaning got louder and louder as she approached.

She barged through the door revealing a naked Bucky straddling an also naked Steve. "What the hell guys! Lock the bloody door next time. Now stop fucking each other Peter's been kidnapped" 

Steve shoved Bucky off of him and jumped to his feet forgetting he was naked. Nat looked away as Steve pulled on a pair of trousers. "Be quick" She called as she left the room to go find Clint. 


I'm so sorry you had to witness that all again (not) I promise things will get better (I wouldn't promise but sure....) Also who wants a Steve's POV of this chapter lol (I am not doing that and you can't make me) I hope you enjoyed! (that's not the purpose of this chapter you idiot) Ignore my inner demon  speaking! (Don't you fucking dare) Good day! (die in hell) <3

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