Chapter 28

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"Hey Kenzie" Sam smiled shyly. Kenzie looked over at her grinning. 

"You ready?" Kenzie asked the other. Sam nodded hooking their little fingers together. Kenzie smiled as she slipped her hand into Sam's interlocking their fingers. They smiled at each other as they left the school. 

Suddenly, Kenzie fell to the floor and a smirking Flash watched laughing. 

"Wassup bitches" He grinned cheerfully. Sam was about to angrily retort when she felt Kenzie squeeze her hand. 

"Just ignore him" She whispered. Sam nodded and allowing herself to be pulled away by Kenzie. 

Flash clearly annoyed by the lack of reaction chased after the two pushing Sam. 

"What are you chicken." Flash taunted.

Sam clenched her fist turning around to face the bully.

"Nobody. calls. me. chicken." She hissed striding up to Flash and lifting him by the collar of his shirt. 

(Kill me now I had to add the back to the future reference)

"You think you're so tough and scary just because you can pick on people weaker than you. Well guess what Eugene. You're not stronger than me and you picked the wrong time to mess with me." She spat. 

Flash cowered and whimpered as Sam placed him back on the floor. 

"Now leave me and Kenzie the fuck alone" Sam said in a deadly quiet voice. Flash whimpered before scrambling away. Sam wiped her hands on her jeans before she walked back over to a gaping Kenzie.

"Shall we go?" she asked sweetly as though she hadn't just threatened the biggest bully in the school. Kenzie nodded still gawking at her.

"How, how did you do that?" She asked aww struck.

"Do what?" Sam asked 

"Yo- you picked him up. You threatened him. You threatened Flash Thompson." Kenzie said.

"Yes I did. Shall we go now?" Sam said clearly proud of herself. Kenzie nodded and the two girls strolled off towards the coffee shop they were going to. 


Sam quietly sneaked into the tower climbing through her window. She began to take off her suit and lay it down quietly on her bed. 

"how did it go?" A voice asked her from the corner of her room. She shrieked and spun around.

"What the hell Stephen! I could've had a heart attack." Sam yelled at him. Stephen just smiled at her. 

"Well? How was it?" 

"It was good, great actually. I really enjoyed it" She smiled as she thought about her date with Kenzie.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it because you aren't going another one for the next month." Stephen said calmly bracing himself for the storm.

"What! Why?" Sam asked fuming.

"Well you didn't tell me in advance and you just sent Wade to tell us. You also just came home and it's 12:03. Do I need to go on?" Stephen said still keeping his voice at a steady almost amused tone.

"That's so unfair! I told you I was going out, stop being so overprotective! Who do you think you are, my dad? Well guess what he threw me out. Is that what you want then? To throw me at too." She yelled at the doctor. 

Suddenly, she broke into tears, sobbing softly. Stephen hesitated for a second before approaching the crying girl. He slowly wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.

"It's okay Sam, I've got you. I would never abandon you. You're safe here." He continued to whisper softly to the crying girl trying to bring her a sense of comfort. Slowly, he heard her breathing begin to slow and he carefully picked her up, placing her in her bed. HE kissed her forehead softly before walking to the door and turning off the lights. 

"Goodnight Sam" He whispered softly before leaving the room. He sighed as he stepped into the corridor. Peter's memory loss was effecting them all. He wasn't sure that the family would ever be whole again without the cheerful, sweet, loving cinnamon roll. 



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