Chapter 31

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Chapter is based off the image above. Also this chapter took ages to write because I have a flipping plaster on my finger and I can't move it. It's actually really hard to type.


^ this is what I'm imagining without the tree

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^ this is what I'm imagining without the tree.


They were sitting in a flower field together. The flurry of blue, pinks and yellows spread out for miles. The bees danced from flower to flower buzzing happily. Butterflies fluttered around gliding among the sun rays. 

A butterfly landed on Tony's nose and the man giggled softly. Stephen watched him play with the insect a gentle smile pulling at his lips. This was his favorite place, he came here to relax and enjoy the sun normally with his favorite person. 

Suddenly, Tony turned to face him and his smile dropped. It was instantly replaced with a look of pain and anger. 

"You" Tony hissed. The shorter man clutched his chest where his ark reactor sat. Cuts began to open up on his face and blood began to run down his face. 

"If you really are the 'all powerful sorcerer', you could have saved me. I could still be alive and my son would have his father if you were as good as you said!" 

Stephen felt his eyes begin to burn with tears. "No, please Tony. I tried my best, I love you" 

Suddenly, Peter was next to Tony, pain filling his face. "Some doctor you are! You can't even bring my memories back!"

"Please stop, STOP! Please! I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. I'm a failure. I failed you both" Stephen sobbed. 






The two screamed at the sorcerer. 

"NO! STOP! PLEASE STOP" Stephen screamed.

"Strange!" Strange! Stephen wake up!" Someone was yelling at him. Oh god please no. 

"Please, I'm sorry, I tried" He choked out still trapped in his dream. 

"Stephen it's okay, it's just a dream" The voice kept saying. 

Was that? No it couldn't be his voice. He was dead. He was dead because he couldn't save him. He began to cry again shaking violently. Arms wrapped around his body holding the man close. 

Familiar arms. 

Stephen slowly opened his arms to look up at the person above him. 

Someone stared back down at him. 

Someone with those honey brown eyes.

Someone with that fluffy brown hair.

Someone with that same goatee.

His someone. 

He clutched his love's shirt pulling him in for a tight hug. He breathed in trying to memorize his scent. This wasn't real. It couldn't be real. He had died. 

"It's okay Stephy, you're okay." Tony's face had a look of concern as his husband shook clutching his chest. 

Yes he was injured and Stephen's head on his chest was making the pain  worse but he didn't care. His Stephen was hurting. 

Tony sighed, placing his head onto his husband's and pulling him closer. 

"It's okay, it's okay" He repeated over and over until Stephen's breathing eased to a steady pace. 


Best y'all really hate me now. You really think I'd do that to you? I know I'm evil :)

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