Chapter 12

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This chapter has a lot of switching POV'S, tell me what you prefer. 

Switching POV's or a third person perspective.


"Petey, Petey pie, wake up" a soft voice spoke out shaking the sleeping boy. Yawning he stretched before sitting up. His back ached and he was shivering. The sky was dark and the only light came from the stars peeking through the trees.

"Wade? Where am I?" Peter murmured, still very much asleep. "How did I get here?" 

Suddenly, Peter jumped up backing away from Wade. "Did you kidnap me? Why am I here" he stuttered his voice shaking. Wade took a step towards him with his arms out. "Stay where you are!" Peter shouted trying to act brave. 

Wade put his hands up in defeat. "Okay, okay, I won't move but Petey I promise I didn't kidnap you. Do you not remember what happened" His voice was laced with concern. Peter felt as if his head was pounding. Nothing made sense. His legs were shaking, threatening to give up. Suddenly, he collapsed onto the floor as realization hit him. He had run. He had run from school. Kenzie. He had hurt her. 

Wade approached the boy carefully, wrapping his arms around him. Peter's eyes stung as water trickled down his face. Was it raining? He looked up but the sky was clear, there wasn't a cloud in sight. He frowned. Was he crying. He felt his face. Those were definitely tears. Why was he crying?

"Hey it's okay, it's okay" a comforting voice whispered rubbing soothing circles on Peter's back. Peter sighed in content snuggling into Wade's arms. His eyes began to close as he drifted into a slumber. 

Wade's POV

I felt Peter snuggle closer into my chest grabbing a fistful of my shirt. I held him close, enjoying the moment. I sighed. I knew I would have to call Tony and tell him I had found him. Careful not to disturb the sleeping boy in my arms I took my phone out of my pocket. I pressed the contact under the name tin can. The phone didn't even ring twice before Tony picked up.

"Wade, where are you? have you found him?" Tony yelled down the phone clearly panicked. 

"Keep the noise down, the kid's trying to sleep." I chuckled.

"You found him!" He shouted still bellowing. "Peter, Pete can you hear me?"

"What the fuck dude!" I whisper yelled, frustrated that he had disturbed the sleeping boy "Why the fuck would you wake him up?" 

I felt movement in my arms as Peter groggily rubbed his eyes. "Wade?" He whispered quietly in a voice that was barely audible. "Wade why did I just hear, Mr Stark's voice?" 

Peter's POV

"Peter?!? Hey Pete! Are you okay?" Tony's voice rang out from the phone. 

"Yeah, I'm fine dad. I'm with Wade" Suddenly I realized what I had said and felt myself stiffen. "Uhh anyways, Wade is gonna bring me home now. See you in a bit Mr Stark" I stuttered out trying to cover up what i had said. There was a silence that seemed to stretch on for hours before Mr Stark finally answered.

"Okay, be safe," his tone had softened to just above a whisper. "And Wade if I find so much as a scratch on that boy there will be trouble." He said but Wade just laughed clearly not taking him seriously as Stark's voice had still been quite soft. 

"Okay see you later old man" Wade chuckled before hanging up. "Come one Petey, lets go home." 

"Lemme put my suit on, it will be quicker" I replied.

Tony's POV

My phone began to buzz. I lunged for it clicking accept as soon as I saw it was from Wade. I needed to know if my boy was okay. I was stuck in the tower all alone as all the others had gone out to look for Peter but had refused to let me come with saying I needed to calm myself.

""Wade, where are you? have you found him?" I asked panic rushing through my veins.

I heard a chuckle on the other end. "Keep the noise down, the kid's trying to sleep"

"You found him!" I yelled in a mix of relief and desperation. "Peter, Pete can you hear me?" 

"What the fuck dude!" I heard Wade whisper in a tone laced with anger. "Why the fuck would you wake him up?" I was about to send an angry retort back when I heard the sound of someone stirring and a slight moan. Relief flooded through me as I allowed myself to collapse onto the sofa.

"Wade?" I heard a quiet voice breath out. "Wade why did I just hear, Mr Stark's voice?" 

"Peter?!? Hey Pete! Are you okay?" I practically screamed down the phone.

"Yeah, I'm fine dad. I'm with Wade" I heard Peter reply. he began to say something else but I could barely hear him. Peter had called me dad. I had always thought of him as my son but hearing him saying those words? It warmed my heart. I sunk into the sofa with a stupid grin appearing on my face. suddenly, I noticed no one talking on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, be safe" I managed in a voice so unlike my own. It was soft and caring. "And Wade if I find so much as a scratch on that boy there will be trouble." I tried to say in a stern voice to regain some of my pride. It obviously didn't work as I soon heard Wade laughing.

"Okay see you later old man" I heard him say. I was about to snap back at him that I wasn't that old but he hung up before I could respond. 

I smiled softly to myself. Peter was safe and he had called me dad. I quickly pulled out my phone sending a message to the rest of the avengers telling them Wade had found Peter and to come home.


Thank you for reading part 12. I hope you enjoyed. <3 
Can you guve me some Savage burns for a future chapter please.

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