Chapter 14

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Trigger Warning: Panic attacks? I dunno if that needs a trigger warning but you get one anyways. Sorry it's been a few days. 


Stephen threw the plates on the large table and soon they all began to tuck into their food. "Peter," Tony said calmly "Do you mind telling us why you bailed school today?" Peter gulped as everyone's eyes trained directly into his. "Ummmm" he paused. Did he really want to tell him in front of all the avengers? 

He didn't want them to think he was a bad kid. His eyes darted around the room looking everyone who were all looking at him expectantly. He tried to shrink, tried to make himself disappear. He could still feel their eyes trained on him. He could hear their heartbeats pounding in his eardrums. He could hear every little shuffle pounding through his skull. The wood of the table under his head began to irritate his skin and he pulled his hands off it. He shut his eyes tightly, the light getting to bright. He felt his breathing speed up. He felt hands touching him, voices echoing throughout his brain. Despite his eyes being closed black spots began to appear in behind his eyelids before everything went black.

~Time Skip~

"Will he be okay?" he heard Tony's voice laced with worry trying to keep his voice quiet. Despite Tony's efforts it still felt like he was screaming in his ear. "I believe he had a panic attack from all the people watching him and the tension which then led to a sensory overload." Stephen said making sure that his voice was even quieter than Tony's. 

He heard a sob. Before someone else made a comforting shhh sound. "This is my fault, I asked him the question knowing full well that everyone was listening. I didn't think properly and now look what I've done. Why do I manage to screw everything up?" 

That was Mr Stark's voice. Why was he crying? Peter had never heard Tony cry. "Hey, hey look at me, Tony look at me, Tony, look, at, me. Match my breathing." The person, who he identified as Stephen, began to breath in and out slowly. "Th- that's my s- son" Tony choked out "I- I- I  hurt my son" 

Suddenly an excruciatingly loud beeping started to his left. The two adults ran into the room. "His heartbeat's increasing." Stephen said panic in his voice. Peter had heard what Tony had said. A tear trickled down his cheek. Tony called him his son. He forced his eyes open ignoring the blinding light and launched himself onto Tony wrapping his arms around him. Though Tony was shocked he was quick to wrap his arms around the boy. Peter finally felt safe, something he hadn't felt since May died. He cried into Tony's shirt clutching it tightly.

Stephen smiled at the pair before he opened a portal and walked through it leaving the two alone.

"I love you, kid" he said holding the boy close thinking he had been sleeping. "I love you too dad" came a muffled voice. Tony looked at him shocked before smiling tears brimming in his eyes. 


I hope ya'll liked that fluff filled chapter. I know its was slightly angsty but it wasn't too bad for you I hope. Love ya'll <3

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