Chapter 20

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Gyllenholland for life


It had been a week since they had found Peter. Sam and Wade had been off school for that whole period of time. It was time they had to go back in. After saying their goodbye's to everyone and the sleeping boy the two left the tower and made climbed into the car that Happy was waiting for inside.

Happy drove them up to the school and the two walked in together. The two made their way to Sam's locker first, neither wanting to leave each other for the fear that they would lose someone else they card for. 

Wade noticed a girl waving in Sam's direction before making her way over to the pair. He placed a protective hand on her shoulder making her spin around. When she spotted the girl she sighed and shut he locker before starting to walk away with Wade  trailing behind her. 

They began to walk to Wade's locker.

"Sam! Sam!" Kenzie yelled shoving through the crowd and running to catch up with Sam. As soon as she got near enough Wade put a protective arm across Kenzie's chest forcing her away from Sam. Sam didn't even turn and just kept her determined march towards Wade's locker.


Sam tapped her pencil impatiently against her desk. School wasn't the same without her best friend there. She sighed, placing her head in her arms. 'wake up soon Peter' she thought e herself.

Suddenly, the bell rang loudly and Sam was off her feet racing out of the room as quick as possible. A hand grabbed her by the shoulder pulling her to a stop. 

"What do you want Kenzie" Sam asked irratatedly. Kenzie took a deep breath before beginning to talk. 

"I wanted to apologies for... everything. The way I treated you, and the way I treated Peter." Sam rolled her eyes. Of course this was about Peter. Why would Kenzie even care about her at all. She began to walk away from the other. "Wait Sam! Please just hear me out. Please" Kenzie begged. 

"I admit it I was out of line, I know I was. But hear me out.  I was questioning myself daily. My parents are extremely homophobic but everyday I was realizing that I was liking girls more and more. I never stopped fully liking guys but they were more just attractions and less of an actual need to be with them. I knew my parents wouldn't accept me, so I kept telling myself that I liked guys, I had to like guys. I thought that if a guy liked me back then my parents would leave me alone, so I went after Peter. I took it too far. Instead of the chance of making two friends. I it on one and shoved the other away. I'm sorry for everything." Kenzie stared at her feet in shame. She was so scared of Sam's reaction.

"So your bisexual?" Sam asked slightly confused. 

"Biromantic Lesbian" Kenzie muttered. She felt a burning sensation behind her eyes as tears began to fall. She felt arms around her in seconds. "Hey it's okay, I accept you" Sam whispered quietly. "I forgive you for everything. You're always welcome to join me and Wade at lunch today." Kenzie smiled before following her to the lunch hall. 

Wade smiled when he finally saw Sam waving at him. "Where the fuck have you been!" He whisper yelled. Sam rolled her eyes taking a seat next to him. Kenzie awkwardly looked at the pair before slowly taking the seat next to Sam. 

"Kenzie this is Wade, Wade this is Kenzie." She introduced. The two shook hands. Kenzie looked at Sam then back at Wade then at Sam again trying to figure out their relation to each other. 

"Are you too like dating or something?" She asked casually. Both Sam and Wade burst into a fit of laughter. They couldn't stop laughing until they had tears in their eyes.

"He's my cousin." Sam chocked out between laughs. Kenzie flushed embarrassed. "I'm also pansexual" Wade said calmly. Suddenly, Sam wasn't laughing anymore. "You are?" Wade nodded. "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU NOT TELL ME!" She screeched launching herself at him. 

"Never seemed important" He shrugged casually holding the girl at arms length away. Kenzie laughed at the pair struggling. She watched as Sam struggled with a small smile growing on her face but quickly looked away as soon as Sam turned around. She felt her face heat up as she looked down at her food. 

The rest of lunch Sam and Wade bickered about anything they could as Kenzie sat watching the pair, more specifically Sam, with a small smile playing at her lips. She finally felt.. happy. She felt at peace with her new friends. Maybe life was worth living. (hah I wish I had this mindset)


Thanks for reading this part. thought we'd have a little more of get to know Kenzie and see whats up at school. When do ya'll think Peter will wake up? 

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