Chapter 22

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Peter opened his eyes slowly, his eyes scanning his surroundings. He was in a dimly lit room with monitors and equipment everywhere. He saw a tube coming out of his arm and panicked ripping it out. A searing pain ran up his arm but he ignored it as a loud alarm bellowed into the room. 

Around five people ran into the room and approached the boy. Peter screamed and tried to get away from the people bracing himself for impact. Suddenly he felt something enter his arm and he felt drowsiness take over his body. He tried to fight the tiredness he felt but felt his eyelids getting heavy. 


Peter cracked an eyelid open. He was still in the same room and the tube was back in the room. He tried to tug it out but couldn't move his arms. He screamed whilst thrashing around in the bed. His arms and legs were strapped to the bed. He screamed and screamed and kept screaming trying to free himself from his restraints. Someone entered the room and stopped when he saw the screaming boy. 

"Peter?" the voice questioned. Peter screamed more as the boy approached his bed. He tried to shy away from the approaching man but was stopped by the bonds. 

"Hey Peter, hey it's okay, it's me." the man said as his voice shook. Tears streamed down his face. "Peter it's me, Tony" He practically begged. No recognition crossed the boys face at his words and he continued to scream. Tony sobbed. "Please Peter! It's me! Tony, Mr Stark!" 

Tony continued to cry whilst choking on his own tears. Another man entered the room and grabbed Tony by the arms. Tony thrashed in his arms before giving up and slumping into his arms allowing himself to be dragged from the room.

Peter continued to scream even after both men had left and so a few people ran in and jabbed something into his arm. The familiar feeling of drowsiness took over his body and he fell back into his dreamless slumber.


The next time Peter woke, the room was completely dark with a very faint glow coming from the door. He sighed as he felt the familiar strain on his wrists and ankles. The tube was still in his arm and the bonds on his limbs. 'nothing new then' he thought to himself as he lay in the darkness.

His throat was dry and horse from all the screaming he had done and he craved water. A silhouette stood outside his door and then he heard the doorknob turn. The same man that had dragged away the man named entered the room. Peter thrashed in the bed as he tried to escape his bond. He  shut his eyes tightly and braced himself for the hit that was sure to come.

Peter opened his eyes slowly after he felt no impact. The man stood over his bed fiddling with a machine to his left. "Don't hurt me, please" Peter whimpered. The man looked over at him sympathetically He brought up a chair and placed it next to the bed. He raised Peter's bed into a sitting position before sitting down next to him.

"Hey Peter, I'm Dr Stephen Strange" the man spoke in a soft calming tone. "I'm going to be looking after you." He spoke comfortingly and Peter couldn't help the feeling of safety that crept into him.

"I'd like to ask you a few question's if that's alright?" Stephen asked politely. Peter nodded gently. Stephen smiled at him and the boy tried to return it. 

"Okay lets start with a simple one. Do you remember what your name is?" Stephen asked. Peter looked at the man and frowned. He didn't know his own name. He looked at the man opening his mouth before shutting it again then opening it again. 

"I think I know what it is, but only because everyone keeps calling me Peter" Peter said quietly looking down embarrassed. He didn't even know his own name. Stephen nodded before writing something down on his paper. 

"Do you remember how you got here?" Stephen asked.

Peter shook his head but just as Stephen began to write something down he stopped him. 

"I- I remember something" Peter whispered. Terror filled his eyes and he fought the urge to start crying. He paused for a second.

"Go on" Stephen urged him softly.

"I- I remember a room, it was- dark and the paint was peeling. There was a man and he-" Suddenly Peter screamed as the memories came rushing back. It was bloodcurdling the sound that exited his mouth. It wasn't human. Distress and pain were evident in his scream as his screamed only got louder. 

"Hey Peter. Peter calm down. He can't hurt you anymore. You're safe here. Peter couldn't hear him. Stephen's face was transforming into the man who had tortured him and he was advancing on him clutching a knife. Peter's screams got even louder and suddenly the knife plunged into his arm. Black dots appeared in his vision and then everything went black.

Stephen sighed as he placed the needle to the side. It was going to take a while  for Peter to begin to recover. He placed his head in his hands and breathed in deeply before he stood and left the room. 


"How did it go?" Tony asked quietly as Stephen entered their bedroom. Stephen sighed as he sat down next to Tony on the bed. Tony felt tears prick at the back of his eyes as he nuzzled his head into Stephen's shirt. "What happened?" He asked softly.

"He began to remember. I started with asking what his name is, he couldn't even remember that and then I asked if he remembered how he got here and..." Stephen trailed off as he remembered the events from earlier. Tony clutched his shirt harder in little fist and dug his head into Stephen's chest.Stephen wrapped comforting arms around him and placed his head on top of Tony's. 

"It's okay" Stephen whispered softly.

"It's not okay" Tony cried into him.

"No it's not, but it is what it is." 

Tony looked up at him with round eyes filled with tears. "Do you think he'll get better?" He asked Stephen. Stephen sighed again. "I hope so"


I don't know what to say guys... I promise there are happier days to come. 1069 words

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