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We slid into October with a good attitude about our relationship.

I knew being a doctor was time consuming, that he couldn't exactly have the same schedule every day. But he did try, pushed his schedule around to make time with me. Little as it may be on certain days, we had little conversation over dinner or before falling asleep.

At times I felt bad for asking him too much. Coming home, I could see the lines around his eyes. See how he dragged himself inside after a busy day. But I realized what I asked wasn't much, I could have demanded him to choose. But I didn't, I only asked for a few minutes.

I knew that he had other priorities, that before me he was different. But now I was in his life, and I also wanted things. He didn't want kids and I respected that now, I wanted to have fun for now. But if we kept this relationship, if we got more serious that now. He'd have to be with me more, even if I was dating him. It didn't mean I could be neglected.

But he was trying and so was I. After all a relationship consisted of two adults that wanted the relationship to go well. And I knew I wanted Chris.

At nights he'd sag with relief next to me, holding my waist or at times only my hand. We did have sex, occasionally. Sometimes it was rushed and rough. Chris would wake me up with his hand holding me, knee parting my legs open.

I wasn't complaining, I liked it. Enjoyed that he wanted me, even enjoyed the roughness he showed me at times. But he was still soft with me, taking his time. Letting me choose and settle into whatever position I wanted.

Tuesday morning, Chris dropped me off at school. His hand on the nape of my neck as he pulled me in for a kiss, "I'll pick you up. Okay?"

I was hesitant. I knew he was trying, yet I couldn't shake the feeling of being left again. Even if it was one time, there could be more. Even if he was spending more time with me, talking. But he'd change his schedule so he could drop me off before work and pick me up after work.

So I nodded against his lips, tasting the aftertaste of his coffee. Feeling his hand crawl over to my lap, itching up my woolen sweater. Leaning against his touch, light fingertips grazing the thin material of my bra. Feeling the usual heat creep up to my cheeks, the throbbing in my legs tick up.

I didn't want to pull away from his kiss, but I had class. "Okay," I murmured heavily against his lips. Chris pulling back but keeping his forehead pressed against mine, eyes intense. "I love you."

The flutter in my stomach didn't seize, it should have. After all he had uttered those words many times to me. But hearing them were an affirmation that he was here, that he cared and was trying.

"Love you too," I kissed him again. Blushing as he pulled my lower lip into my mouth.

Getting out of the car with wobbly legs, I walked to the double doors that led to the west side of the school. Looking back briefly to see Chris's car still parked on the curb. I couldn't see him, but I was sure he was watching me.

Pushing the doors, I almost lost my balance as I hit a body. More specifically Elijah's body, his brown eyes behind me at the now closed doors. "Boyfriend of yours?" His words sounded nonchalantly as we were talking about the weather, but his eyes showed a glimmer in them.

I nodded, stepping away. "Yeah he dropped me off."

After Elijah dropped me off at home, we had talked briefly. He had listened to me, didn't judge what I said. And in the end had told me to speak up, that just because Chris and I were dating. It didn't mean he had to stop showing me how much he loved me.

But then after that day, he disappeared until today. I had been worried the first day, texted him to find out if he was okay. Only for him to tell me he had fallen sick, even thought I had been the one soaking in the rain. I hadn't even gotten a cough because of it.

"I thought you were mad at him."

We started walking to class, his arm brushing against mine. "We made up."

I had been mad. But I was more frustrated than mad. Elijah nodded, opening the door for me. Breezing by him and to my seat. "How are you?"

It was weird not seeing him, or his friends. Walking to my seat, he pulled out the chair for me. Leaning against the wall as more students began to file in. "Better."

"I would hope so. You missed a whole week."

Elijah laughed, shrugging. "True. But I wasn't sick for the whole week. Only for the first few days."

I frowned at his words. "Where were you then?" I wasn't trying to be noisy about his whereabouts, but he missed classes.

"Alworth University," he said. Surprise flickered in me, I'd never seen the school. But I knew that after finishing here, I'd transfer there. It was an hour drive from here, close to Chris.

It had my major, and I had the paperwork ready. I just needed to submit it, but first I wanted to see it. See the school I'd be spending more time at.

I still didn't know the fine detail about it, but I knew that I'd have to drive back and forth every day. But I'd manage, hopefully.

"Which reminds me-" Elijah said standing up straighter- "What are you doing for Halloween?"

Halloween. I didn't quite understand the whole thing around it. From what I could find, it originated from the Celts. Where they would dress up to ward off ghosts, but now? Now it was just fun and games for kids and teenagers. Kids would dress up in cute costumes while going from home to home asking for candy. And teenagers...well from what I could see from movies. It wasn't that great, it looked fun, sometimes.

Last Halloween I had spent it holed up at home watching movies while Chris worked. This year wasn't going to be any different, I mean it wasn't a significant holiday. Well not to me.

"Nothing I guess." Maybe Chris wouldn't work and we'd spend the day together, or not. I had to ask him.

"Would you like to go to a party with me?" he asked hesitantly.

A party. A Halloween party to be exact. I'd been to parties, well one. The one after graduation but only stayed there for an hour before leaving. "It wouldn't be just us. Gio and Nathan are going. We could ask Lilith and Penelope to come with us too," Elijah added quickly.

"And where would it be?"

He hesitated, crossing his arms over his chest. "Alworth."

A college party. I wasn't going to lie and say I didn't want to go. It was appealing, to see what it was about. See if the movies interpreted it correctly. But Chris...Elijah saw the hesitation in my eyes, "You don't have to decide. It's Halloween night. Talk it over with your friends and boyfriend," he said as I saw the teacher go up to her desk.


"We should go. I've heard those parties are epic," Lilith gushed as we sat behind the oak desk in the library. Penelope was here too, eating a sandwich but keeping quiet, well better than Lilith.

"Shh," I hissed looking around. There was no one nearby, but it was a library. Quiet was the rule and I was already breaking one by eating in here. But them again, no one was here.

Lilith waved me off, "We can dress as something sexy. A cute bunny. Or hot nurse-" she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

I cringed. "I don't know." By definition of a hot nurse it would define little clothes and I was hesitant about wearing too little unless it was with Chris. He'd protect me after all.

"It'll be your first party at a college. And a Halloween dress up. You have to go. we have to go," Penelope begged as she latched onto my arm.

It did sound appealing to go. See the fuss about those parties and whatnot. "I'd have to tell Chris," I said hesitantly. Not to ask for permission, but to inform him I would be going. And see if he was working.

"So you'll go?"

I nodded. I just needed to figure out what to wear.

Good day :)

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