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There were twinkling lights, my eyes unfocused as I stared ahead of me. I was alone with nothing but a jacket wrapped around my shoulders. My head had started hurting more, but not as much as my heart. 

Chris had walked away, his words loud and clear. 



And it was my fault. I still couldn't make out a single thought, the throbbing making it impossible to. I couldn't even tell how exactly the kiss happened, everything was a blur. Messy and heartbreaking. 

I stood there in the cold night, my legs shaking. Seconds away from giving out. There was a hole in my heart, an aching hole that I caused. I wanted Chris to come back, I craved his touch more than anything. At this point, I was more lost than I was minutes ago. Regret and hurt swirling in my mind, tears rolling down my face. 

I picked my mind, wiping away the tears. I needed to call Chris. I needed to get him to talk to me. I needed to explain, but I also needed to piece my thoughts together. But as hard as I tried, everything swirled. My mind just chanting over and over about a kiss, a hazy, foggy kiss.

I didn't know how long I was there but I heard the skid of a car, turning I saw Chris's car. A flare of hope surging through my heart, sagging in relief. He had come back. 

My love. 

The tinted window rolled down, squinting my eyes to see him. But I couldn't see much of him, only a slight glow of light. The outline of his features, his jaw set tight. 

"Get in," Chris called out, his voice dripping with restrained anger. My eyes flickered to his hands, seeing his knuckles white, angry. He was angry, as he should be. But it still pained me, deeply knowing I had caused that. 

I knew I should have moved, should be thanking him for coming back. But I didn't move an inch, I stood there frightened. Hands shaking at my side, heart thumping quickly. His tone, it scared me. 

I swayed a little, my vision clearing a little. Chris turned to see me, rage filling his eyes. It made me flinch, not  once had I seen such emotion in his eyes. Not even with Theo had I seen such pain, such disappointment. 

"Get. In. Aspen," he clipped out. That jaw I had traced so many times set tightly, lips I had kissed flat. More tears rolled down my cheek, my legs giving out. Everything was my fault, my stupid fault. 

I hated myself. 

I wrapped my arms around my head, pushing out the music. Pushing out everything out of my head, wanting so much to forget. To go back in time and stay with Chris. 

Warm hands wrapped around my elbow, lifting my head I stared at Chris's grey eyes. Flinching at the unnatural color, at the darkness in them. "You hate me," I stated dumbfoundedly. 

Chris didn't say anything, only pulled me up. His fingers were warm, but his eyes were cold. Taking me by the arm, he pulled me up. My legs still shaking, stumbling as he pulled me to the car. His hold wasn't strong, but it was enough to hold me. With haste movement, he sat me down. His fingers working the seat belt, slamming the door. 

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