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I woke up to Aspens warm breath on my chest, her hand over my left pec. With one hand, I worked my fingers through her hair. Her dark strands slipping through my fingers, eye lashes resting against her cheek.

With slow strokes, I reached her shoulder. Warm and soft skin under my fingertips, reaching for her neck. Feeling the constant pulse of her heart, my fingers resting there.

It felt wrong to have her.

But I did. I wasn't used to having someone waiting for me when I got home. But I did find it warming to have her body flushed against mine. Feeling her small body wrapped around mine, it was something I was slowly easing myself into.

Before her, before her mother. The only relationship I had was in college. And even that relationship lasted a few months. I was used meaningless one night stands, where they'd leave after. Where I didn't have to pay attention to them, nor tell them what I'd do.

Even with Aspen's mother, I didn't have much to give her. After all, our marriage was more of a convenience.

But with Aspen, it was a welcomed difference. Every day after work, I looked forward to slipping in next to her. Knowing exactly who laid next to me, knowing exactly what made her tick.

I looked forward to just feeling her, seeing her smile at me. But every day it became less and less of her. And these moments I had with her, I cherished.

I felt Aspen stirr awake, her head moving slightly. With half opened eyes, she smiled up at me. "Morning," she said, biting a yawn.

"Morning there," I murmured, pressing my hand to her lower back. She arched against it, her lids fluttering. Reaching for the hem of her shirt, my shirt I pressed my palm against her bare hip. Pulling her closer to me, "What do you want to do today?"

Today was one of my rare days off, which I planned to devote to Aspen. "Well I have work until two-" I bit down a groan, my hand dropping to the mattress. It wasnt that I didn't want her working, yeah it gave her responsibility. But her work meant I didn't always have her to myself.

"Sick day?"

She pushed herself up, untangling her body from mine. "Nope. Boss isn't in today so it's only me and then Jane."

She rose from bed, stretching her limbs, shirt rising to reveal her cotton panties. My eyes took in every inch of exposed skin, a body I knew so well. "I'll take you," I said without thinking. I had nothing else to do, well apart from running a few errands.

"Okay," she murmured as she made her way to the bathroom. Giving me a half tug of a smile as she disappeared behind the door. Her small ass shaking lightly, teasing me.

It didn't click shut, but I heard the running of water. Sliding out of bed, I slipped inside the bathroom. Seeing the steam rise from the shower, my cock twitching as Aspen peeked out. "I have work at eight thirty," she reminded me.

It was barely seven. I let my sweats drop to the floor, my feet crossing the bathroom to her. A flirtatious smile on her lips as she reaches for the soap, but I snatch it from her. "Can I?"

She nods, my fingertips brushing over her hair. Taking her by the neck as I pulled her in a kiss, my other hand roaming across her back. Feeling the curve to her ass, my hand pulling her closer.

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