The Surgery

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Y/n's POV
Eleanor: Gabe, help me take her to the infirmary quick!

Eleanor shouted as we all got off our horses. Gabe ran over and Kate threw her arm over his shoulder, so he could help her get off the horse and walk.

Mariana raced over to help Eleanor and Gabe. I then slowly followed them to the infirmary.

Eleanor and the two Garcia's carefully put Kate onto one of the stretcher/beds in the infirmary.

Kate was screaming louder and louder as more blood poured out from the gunshot wound.

As Eleanor was preparing for surgery, I was checking out my own wound. There was no exit wound, which meant the bullet was still in my shoulder.

Gabe: Help her! You've gotta help her!

Gabe was shouting at Eleanor as she slid plastic gloves over her hands.

Eleanor: Gabe, Mariana, put pressure on Kate's wound. Y/n, how you holding up?

Eleanor turned to face me with concern in her face.

Y/n: I can patch myself up, I just need bandages, tweezers, a needle, a thread, and a lighter.

I listed off everything I needed to Eleanor as she handed them to me from her first aid kit.

Eleanor: I dont have a lighter

She told me. That's not good, I need that lighter to cauterize my wound.

Tripp: What the fuck is that?

Tripp asked as he ran over and spotted the blood running down from my shoulder and Kate's stomach.

Eleanor: Gun shot wounds. Kate's is upper abdomen and Y/n's is left shoulder.

Y/n: Tripp I need a lighter, you got one?

Tripp: Yeah, here kid

Tripp said as he reached inside the back right pocket of his jeans, pulled out a bright red lighter and tossed it to me.

Eleanor: Press hard. Like this

Eleanor showcased as she moved Mariana's hands on top of her brothers, and pushed down on the wound, earning more screams from Kate.

Tripp: What the hell happened?!

Eleanor: They came out of no where, just started shooting at us

Mariana: They nearly killed me, but Y/n saved me

Mariana explained as she looked over at me gratefully.

I however wasnt paying much attention to Eleanor's retelling of what happened at the junkyard. I was too busy trying to get the bullet out of my shoulder without hurting myself too much.

I felt the tweezers touch the bullet. I moved them fractionally to the left and then clamped the two ends around the bullet.

The bullet was caught on something. I twisted the tweezers and managed to pull out the bullet. I bit bottom lip and exhaled heavily, holding back a scream.

There was now much more blood wound. I quickly lit the lighter, and thrust it inside. It felt like I was getting shot all over again.

I pulled out the lighter once the wound was cauterized. I quickly grapped the needle and thread and fed the thread through the hole in needle, and made a knot.

I began stitching my wound, just as Eleanor was about to begin digging the bullet out of Kate.

Gabe: How can I help?

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