The Doctor

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Y/n's POV
Y/n: So... yeah. After that I just, wandered about for a while. Looting and hiding out. And staying away from as many people as possible. Until i met Javi... then everything changed.

Clem: Sorry you had to go through all that.

Y/n: It's okay, Clem.

Clem finished up the stitches and wrapped my wound in a bandage.

Clem: So... what do you think? I think I'm getting better.

I looked at the bandage wrapped around my upper arm.

Y/n: Thanks, Clem. I owe you one.

Clem: Add it to the pile.

I stood up and put on my shirt and jumper. I looked at Clem to see she wasn't moving.

Y/n: You coming?

She turned to face me.

Clem: I... still have to ask Lingard... about AJ.

Right on cue, we heard a sharp intake of breath from Lingard. We looked over and saw him holding his head in pain as his eyes layed on the two if us.

Lingard: Hello, Clementine. You must be Y/n, the boy who rejected my offer to help me at the clinic.

Y/n: Guilty.

Lingard: Why'd you reject my offer?

Y/n: Because I'd rather die with my friends, than work for you shitheads.

Lingard: If workin' in a clinic isn't what you wanted to do... David coulda used someone like you in his unit... if he wasn't locked up by Joan. I hate to think about what Joan might do to him.

Clem: Whatever Joan does to him, he deserves it.

Lingard: If you think that, you don't know David.

Clem: I know he's the reason I lost AJ.

Lingard: When AJ recovered, David was the one who stepped up. Took personal  responsibility for the kid.

Clem: You say that like it was a good thing. I really doubt he was a positive influence.

Lingard: David's the reason the kid's better off now than... than he ever was.

Y/n: AJ's better off with his family, with Clem.

Lingard: Believe what you want, but as a doctor, I'm telling you he's in better shape now than when I first saw him.

Clem: That was because he was sick. He would've stayed sick, too, if I'd have listened to you, "doctor."

Lingard: I stand by what I said.

Clem was clearly getting more and more annoyed by Lingard constantly telling us how great a parent David was to AJ.

Clem: If David's taken such good care of him, why'd he tell me to ask you where AJ is?

Lingard: That's what this is about then? You... you want to know where the boy is?

Lingard looked to his left a picked up a syringe, before filling it with some kind of medicine.

Y/n: What do you want?

Lingard: I just want to die. I want you to inject this into me.

Y/n: You don't need to do this. You made it this long, that means your strong. Just hang on for another day.

Lingard: I can't. When David found me, he... hs got me to care about everything I'd given up on. My life, other people, this place. Without him around, I don't want to care anymore.

Clem slammed he first down on the table.


Lingard: Then you won't have any reason to do it.

I took the syringe from Lingard's hand and quickly considered my options.

I could either kill Lingard, and he'll tell us where AJ is. Or I could keep Lingatd alive, and have Clem hate me.

I took one last look at Clem, she was pleading for me to do it. Then I looked at Lingard and for the first time, properly took in his appearance.

He was pale, his eyes were completely bloodshot and he had huge bags under his eyes. He was clearly not in the right state of mind and wasn't thinking straight.

I couldn't kill a man in that state, that would be taking advantage of him in his weakest state. But I've done that before, why is now any different?

Because I've been at rock bottom, and I've found my way out, thanks to Javi of course, and I promised myself I'd be better. And now's time to fulfill that promise.

I walked over to Lingard and played the syringe back in the palm of his hand. Clem looked at me, shocked and hurt.

Y/n: I'm sorry, Clem. We can't do this.

Clem: No. I have to. If you won't, I will.

Clem was walking over to Lingard, but I pulled her back.

Y/n: Clem, stop. He isn't in his right mind. You can't do this.

Clem was trying to break free of my hold.

Clem: Let go of me. I'm taking the deal.

Y/n: Clem, I promise you, we will find AJ, but not this way.

Clem: There is no other way, Y/n!

Clem finally broke free and turned to face Lingard, who was setting the syringe down on the table.

Clem: Where is--

Lingard: You can consider the deal off.

Clem: No! Y/n! How could you!

Without saying a word, I turned and got to the door when Lingard spoke up again.

Lingard: So be it. It's your funeral. Especially now... now that Joan's rounding up all alleged traitors. You better... hope she doesn't... find you.

With that, Lingard passed out again, and Clem and I left the room.

When we walked back into the corridor, we were met with a waiting Ava.

Ava: Surprised to see you here, Clementine.

Clem: Right back at you.

Ava turned her head towards me.

Ava: You all good?

Y/n: Yeah, we're all set.

Ava: Let's roll.

With that, the three of us left clinic,  and made our way back to Eleanor's.

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