Jesus' Offer

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Y/n's POV
David, Javi, Max, Tripp and I raced out of the factory and passed the gate, locking it behind us to keep the walkers away.

I turned around to see Clem and Jesus running towards us.

David: Where's Lonnie?

Jesus: He gave us the slip. High-tailed it back towards Richmond.

David: Son of a bitch. If he warns Joan...

Clem: Wasn't there one more?

Everyone looked at Javi, and noticed the blood covering his bat.

David: Won't be hurting anyone else.

Jesus: My people need to know about what we found here.

Y/n: What about your missing friends?

Jesus: I'm not holding out much hope. Don't have time to keep looking. They'd want me to get home and tell them about the New Frontier. And help with our own war going on.

Y/n: You're a good guy Jesus, that's rare.

Jesus: I could say the same thing about you. Which is why I need to ask you something. In private.

Y/n: Sure.

Jesus and I walked out of ear shot from the group.

Y/n: What's so important you had to talk to me in private?

Jesus: I wanted to ask you something about our war against the Saviours.

Y/n: What about it?

Jesus: I want you to come with me. Join the hilltop and the Kingdom and Alexandria in our fight against Negan. I get the feeling you,Maggie, Ezekiel and Rick could lead us to a better life. So what do you say?

I was completely blown away by Jesus' offer. I didn't know what to do until I looked over at the rest of the group and saw them in their own discussion, all but one.

Clem was watching me, but when I looked over she quickly turned away. Then I came up with my answer.

Y/n: Look Jesus, it's a great offer, but I've helped Javi and everyone else this far, and I'm not gonna leave them now, I'm gonna help get them ino Richmond and take down the New Frontier.

Jesus: I respect that. But, if you ever change your mind...

Jesus reached into his pocket and pulled out a map and gave it to me.

Jesus:... the Hilltop's location is circled on the map. I won't forget you Y/n. You have my word.

Jesus and I shook hands before he walked off into the forest and back to his own community.

I walked back over to the group, to see them walking towards a truck.

David: If Lonnie raises the alarm, they'll be waiting for us at the gates. There's a way in round back that'll get us around any sentries. We can take Badger's truck.

Javi: I doubt he'll mind.

David: C'mon, we gotta get on the move.

David hoped in the driver's seat of the truck, and Javi sat beside him in the passenger seat. While Tripp, Clem, Max and I hoped in the back.

Clem: What did Jesus want to talk to you about.

Clem was talking quietly enough that only I heard her.

Y/n: Nothing really. He just offered to let me join his community.

Clem: Why didn't you go? Good communities are hard to come by nowadays.

Y/n: I know, but I couldn't go without seeing this through first.

I looked over and saw Clem smiling at me.

Y/n: And I couldn't leave you.

Clem's face went a bright shade of red.

Clem: W...What?

Y/n: I said I couldn't leave you. You'd miss me too much.

Clem's face turned to shock, but i could tell she was smiling a bit.

Clem: You wish, dork.

She elbowed me in the ribs playfully as she tried to suppress a laugh.

I couldn't help but chuckle a little at how cute she was being.



Time Skip

David moved the manhole cover and we all climbed up onto the street one by one.

We crouched our way over to hide behind some containers.

David: I'm thinking we should split up. A group this big can't exactly sneak around. Particularly if they're expecting us...

Tripp: Eleanor's in there somewhere. I'm going after her.

David: Lingard brought her to the clinic. That's your best bet. Javi, that's where you'll go to get Kate, Gabe and Mariana. Then bring them to my house. It's the one with the raven on the hitching post. We'll all meet up there... after I pay a little visit to Joan...

Javi: As soon as I can get Kate and the kids, we'll see you back at the house.

David: Roger that.

David looked at Max, who was all tied up, and urged him to follow. Then the two of them left and headed for Joan.

Tripp: I'll scout ahead.

Tripp moved out of cover and headed up the street a bit, looking out for New Frontier members.

Y/n: What about you Clem?

Clem: I'm pretty sure I've still got some friends in the New Frontier. If they know where AJ's being held, they'll tell me. As soon as I find him, I'm taking that truck and getting the hell outta here. Keep an eye on David. He may be playing nice, but I'd still watch your back.

Y/n: Trust me, I want nothing to do with the guy. Especially not after what you told us. No offence Javi, but your brother is a huge dick.

Javi: Hey, I'm with you two. He rubs me the wrong way. As soon as I get Kate, Gabe and Mari, I'm going to figure out what's best for us.

Clem: Well, I hope it involves getting far away from here. But your no dummy. Your instincts have been right most of the time. I know you'll make the right call.

Javi: What about you Y/n?

Y/n: I don't know.

Clem: You could come with me...

I looked at Clem and just smiled.

Y/n: Yeah, okay. C'mon, let's go find your boy.

Javi: Good luck you two.

Y/n: Same to you, Javi.

Clem: See you when I see you.

And with that goodbye, Clem and I went off on out own looking for Clem's friend, who could hopefully lead us to AJ

Thanks for reading my story

And that's the end of episode 3.

What do you think of Jesus' offer to join the war against the saviours?

And I hoped you like the Clem and Y/n moment before the time skip. Please tell me if you enjoyed it and any ways you think I could improve writing those kinds of moments.

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