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Y/n's POV
Y/n: There!

I shouted to Javi as the gate to Prescott came into view. I looked around at the crazy number of walkers in the way, there was too many to count. As if Javi and I didnt have enough to deal with, the gate to Prescott began to close.

Y/n: We gotta move fast here Javi

I told him as I pulled put my bowstaff and extended it.

We both began to run full sprint at the gate. I was running ahead of Javi because he still had his hands binded together, and had nothing to defend himself with.

I bashed a quite a few walker's heads in with my staff as we made our way to the gate, but we were to late. The gates closed straight in our faces.

Y/n: Hey!

Javi: Open up!

Javi and I both yelled as we banged on the gate to get them to open. I turned around to check how close the walkers were, and they were far to close for comfort.

All of a sudden, a gun shot rang out as the walker closest to Javi dropped to the floor.

??: Can't let you through 'till we thin the herd.

Y/n: Understood

Javi: Y/n! Get these off me!

I shrunk my staff down to pocket size again and turned to face Javi. I pulled out my switch blade and cut off Javi's binds. I then threw him his gun so he could defend himself.

I pulled out my colt python and began firing bullets out across the herd. All of a sudden I heard a CLICK come from my gun, and my heart skipped a beat. I was out of bullets.

Y/n: Not again. Not again

My breathing became heavier with every passing second, and my hands were shaking uncontrollably.

I tried my hardest to put my colt python back in it's holster whilst keeping an eye on the walkers, but I kept fumbling, so I had to look down.

By the time i had my gun bolstered it was too late.

Javi: Y/n! Look out!

I turned to face the herd of walkers, but as I faced them, I got pinned against the gate by one, and another was approaching fast.

I kept pushing the head of the walker away from me, but to no avail.

Y/n: Javi help!

I shouted to him, and not a second later a gun shot was ringing in my ears. I didnt have time to recover because another walker was coming for me. This time however, I seen the walker coming, so I swiped my leg under it's feet and put my boot to it's head.

I began to put pressure on the walkers head, but because of my increased heart rate, my leg began to shake. I was getting less stressed now, and more extremely frustrated with myself. So I used that frustration, and repeatedly stomped on the walkers head, killing it.

??: Come on quick

Shouted the man from earlier, as he held the gate open for us. Javi and I both bolted inside the gate, and put our hands on our knees, exhausted from the fight. A split second before the man closed the gate, a woman riding a horse came riding in through the gate.

??: God damn it Francine! One of these days, these doors are gonna be closed, and your ass will be on the other side.

I finally got a good look at the man who opened the gate for us. He was a well built man with long blond hair tied back in a ponytail, and a long beard.

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