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Y/n's Pov
The gate of Richmond creaked open as me, Clem, Javi, Kate, Gabe, Mari, Jesus and the others from Hilltop walked outside.

Jesus: We'll let you all say your goodbyes.

Jesus and his men stepped away to give the six of us a little privacy.

Mari was the first to react. She ran over and wrapped her arms around Clem, before doing the same to me.

Mari: You made up your mind?

Y/n: Yeah, I have.

Mari: Good luck out there Y/n, and thanks for everything. I'm gonna miss you.

Y/n: I'll miss you too, Mari.

She then gave me a kiss on the cheek before walking back over to her family.

Gabe came up to me next and stuck out his hand for a handshake. I did the same and we shook.

Gabe: Good luck, Y/n. And I'm sorry for how I was towards you.

Y/n: I'm sorry too. I supposed we were both being dicks to each other.

Gabe: *Chuckles* That's true. Thanks for everything you've done for me.

I then pulled Gabe into a hug.

Y/n: You are welcome.

We let go of each other and he walked over to Clem.

Kate: Stay safe out there, Y/n.

Y/n: Of course. You know me, the safest person around.

Kate laughed as Javi approached me. He reached out his hand and we shook.

Javi: You've really grown, Y/n. Your not that dark, brooding kid I met. You're a kind, selfless and badass young man.

Y/n: Thanks Javi. In truth, I owe it all to you. You're the one who showed me who I could be. So thank you.

Javi: You can call us even after everything you've done for my family.

I looked over Javi's shoulder and watched as people were rebuilding the city.

Y/n: You know... these people are gonna need a leader. And I can't think of anyone better.

Javi: I don't think I'm cut out for leading a community.

I put one of my hands on Javi's shoulder.

Y/n: I know you are, but if you don't want to lead it's okay.

Javi looked behind him at all the workers.

Javi: I'll try my best to be the leader this place deserves.

Y/n: That's all anyone can ask.

We then hugged each other for about twenty seconds, before letting go.

Javi: Good luck out there, Y/n L/n.

Y/n: Good luck in here, Javier Garcia.

Javi then pulled Clem into a hug and whispered something into her ear.

They then separated, and it was time.

Clem and I turned and walked away from Richmond, waving back as the Garcia's walked back inside. The gate closing, cutting off our view of them.

Jesus: You ready?

Y/n: Nearly, just one more thing I gotta do.

I then took Clem over to where we could say goodbye in privacy.

Y/n: Here...

I held out my hand, and in it was the tiny revolver I used to kill Joan.

Y/n:... take this and give it to AJ.

Clem reached out with a shaky hand and took the gun, placing it in her back pocket.

She then, without warning, wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a deep hug.

We stood there in a comfortable silence, before I opened my mouth to talk.

Y/n: Clem?

She lifted her head from my chest. She stared into my eyes as I did the same to her.

Y/n: I just want to---

I never got to finish my sentence because Clem did something I wasn't expecting, even though it's something I wanted to do for a long time.

She kissed me.

I was in too much shock to kiss back, but before I got the chance, Clem pulled away, face red from embarrassment.

So me being me, I messed with her.

Y/n: Really?

Clem: I'm sorry, it's just I've really want to do that for a---

Y/n: You waited until now, the moment we're separating to kiss me?

Clem caught on that I was messing with her and started laughing, he arms still around my neck.

Clem: Hey, I didn't realise I had to do everything.

Y/n: What do you mean you did everything?

Clem: Well I initiated the first hug and the first time we held hands. I thought you would do the kiss, but I guess not.

Y/n: You're so annoying.

Clem: I hate you so much.

We both then leaned in as our lips connected once again, but this time, with much more emotion.

I don't know how long we stood there for, but it wasn't long enough.

Clem pulled away and buried her head in my chest, tears falling freely down her face, as I rested my chin on her head.

Clem: I'm gonna miss you, dork.

Y/n: I'm gonna miss you too, idiot.

We both then reluctantly let go of each other and turned and walked away, not looking back.

Jesus: You ready to go?

I lokkwd at the ground and took one deep breath.

Y/n: Yeah.

I looked up at Jesus with determination.

Y/n: Let's go pay Negan a visit.

Thank you for reading all 38 chapters of my story.

I can not convey into words how it feels to have finished my first ever story on Wattpad.

I want to thank everyone of you who took the time to read this story, and those who went the extra mile to vote and comment.

It means a lot that you thought my story was worth a read.

And thank you to all those who inspired me to start writing in the first place.

Be on the lookout over the next few weeks for the sequel to this book.

Please vote and comment what you thought of the story overall.

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