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Y/n's POV
As the three of us walked in, we saw Javi, Tripp and Eleanor in their own conversation, Gabe sitting at the table with Mari, but no sign of Kate.

Mari: Your back!

Mari's shouting got everyones attention, and soon they noticed us.

Tripp: And... Clementine.

Clem: Thanks for the warm welcome.

Tripp: Just surprised to see you is all.

Y/n: So, you got the guns here safe. No trouble?

Javi: None.

Gabe: And we got plenty of guns. One for you, and one for you...

While Gabe was handing out the guns, Mari came over and noticed my bandaged arm.

Mari: Oh my God, Y/n. Are you okay?

Y/n: Yeah, Mari. I'm fine, don't worry I'm all patched up.

Mari: Good.

I looked over at Clem and saw Gabe walking over to her.

Gabe: I saved this one for you.

Gabe held out a Para-45 for Clem to take.

Clem: No. I've already got one.

Gabe looked utterly defeated, and I can't lie, it was kinda hard not to laugh.

Clem then caught my eye and turned back to Gabe.

Clem: Actually, it wouldn't hurt to have another.

Gabe was overjoyed as he handed Clem the gun.

Clem: Thanks.

I can't lie, I was annoyed, but the worst thing was, I didn't know why. All that happened was Gabe giving Clem a gun for protection, why did that annoy me so much?

Tripp: Y/n, what took you so long.

Y/n: I went to see Lingard.

Eleanor: At night? I'm kinda surprised he was sober...

Y/n: He wasn't. He was destroyed when I got there. He's clearly an addict.

Eleanor: I would be sad, if he wasn't so reckless.

Clem: It's pathetic, is what it is.

Everyone then dispersed and went to have their own conversations, so I went to talk to Clem.

Y/n: Hey.

Clem: What?

Y/n: Can we talk?

Clem: *Sigh* Fine.

Y/n: Clem, I'm really sorry for what happened at with Lingard.

Clem: Why'd you do it, Y/n? You knew that that was my best way of finding AJ.

Y/n: I'm really sorry, Clem, I know how much you wanted me to do it, but I couldn't. When I left the Saviours, I became everything I didn't want to be. Cold, heartless, I took advantage of people to get what I wanted. But when I met Javi, he showed me I could be better, so I promised myself I would be, I promised everyone I let down I would be better. So if I killed Lingard, I would've broken that promise, and if I did that, I probably would've ended up in the same situation he was in. But I promise you, you will find AJ, and I'll be right there helping you.

Clem looked at me and smiled brightly, before hugging me. I was in shock, I did not think she would hug me. I eventually recovered from my shock and hugged her back. When we broke apart, we were both red faced and smiling.

Blood In The Water (TWD Clementine x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now