Patched Up

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Y/n's POV
Ava and I were walking through the clinic, alone. There was no one else in sight, thankfully.

Ava: That's Lingard's operating room in there.

She pointed to the next set of double doors down the hall.

Ava: We can head in and I'll patch you up.

Y/n: No. You stay out here, keeping a look out. I'll patch myself up.

Ava looked at me doubtfully.

Ava: You sure you can do that?

I widened a hole in my jumper and rolled up the sleeve on my t-shirt, revealing the bullet wound that the New Frontier gave me when I saved Mari.

Y/n: I managed to pull a bullet out of myself and cauterized and stitch the wound myself. I think I can handle a stab wound.

Ava looked at me, quite impressed.

Ava: Jesus kid, you're tougher than I gave you credit for, and trust me, I gave you a lot of credit.

Y/n: Umm...thanks.

Ava: You best hurry up. Don't want anyone seeing you out here.

Y/n: Alright.

I then made my way into Lingard's operating room, and as soon as I did, I saw Lingard, passed out on a chair in the corner, he clearly drank too much.

I then heard rattling to my right. I quickly pulled out my gun and aimed it at the person, but I lowered it just as quick when I realized who it was.

Y/n: Hey, idiot.

Clem quickly jumped to her feet and gasped.

Clem: Fuck dork, you scared the shit outta me.

I chuckled.

Y/n: Yeah, that was kinda my plan.

Clem quickly noticed the blood running down my right arm.

Clem: Shit, Y/n. What happened to you?

Y/n: Ran into a little trouble.

Clem: Whoa. That looks like it must've hurt.

Y/n: I just need to get it cleaned up.

Clem: You really surprised me. I thought you were someone else.

Y/n: Who were you expecting?

Clem: Well I know this wouldn't exactly look innocent to Joan or David.

Y/n: What're you doing? Looking for clues as to where AJ is?

Clem: Yeah, and anyway, I can't leave Richmond with that herd out there.

I looked over at the passed out doctor.

Y/n: I get the feeling Lingard doesn't care what you're doing.

Clem: He's been out of it since I got here.

I looked over and seen an empty bottle of alcohol on the floor. It wasn't any brand I've heard of.

Y/n: Poor dumb bastard.

Clem looked at my stab wound again.

Clem: That's gonna need more than just cleaning, Y/n.

Y/n: You think? I mean, I might be safer just stitching it up. Won't cause me no trouble.

Clem: I can stitch it up for you. I can't promise it'll look great once it's healed, but it's better than nothing.

Y/n: Sure. But if I lose my arm, that's on you.

Clem: Oh, ha ha. You'll be fine, I've dealt with worse. Now all I need is a needle and thread.

Clem walked over to the counter, but suddenly stopped and held her side in pain.

Y/n: Clem? You okay?

Clem: I'm fine.

Clem's reply was stern, but she quickly loosened up.

Clem: I started... bleeding.

Y/n: Okay... so clean up the wound, no big deal.

Clem: No, it's not like blood out of a wound. It just happens. I know it's a thing. I've travelled with women before, and they've all had it.

Y/n: Well, maybe it's natural. I mean we are at the age puberty is supposed to kick in. Maybe it's just you're body changing you into a grown woman.

I quickly realized how rude that might sound.

Y/n: I mean... not that you weren't already a woman... it's just...

Clem: Relax Y/n, I understand what you mean.

Y/n: You said that every woman experiences it, so maybe Kate would know how to manage the bleeding.

Clem: Yeah, you're right.

Y/n: You can ask her when we get back to the apartment.

Clem: Until then, you should worry about your self. We still need to find a needle and thread to stitch you up.

Y/n: Right.

Clem went back over and stared at Lingard, leaving me to find the needle and thread.

I went over to the counter and grabbed the first thing I seen. A first aid kit. It opened it and to my luck, there was a needle and thread.

Y/n: Huh. That was easy. Here Clem, I found them.

Clem took the needle and thread out of my hands.

Clem: Thanks. Now, go sit over there.

I did as she said and sat down on the medical bed. I also took off my jumper and t-shirt, to make it easier for Clem to patch me up.

Clem turned around and saw me shirtless, and I caught her blush.

Clem: Oh...Okay. Hold still.

She poured some rubbing alcohol on a cloth and rubbed it over my wound.

Clem: Try not to breath.

I held my breath until she was done.

Clem: Hey, what happened your face?

Clem asked as she started stitching me up.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Clem: That scar, on your cheek.

Y/n: Oh, that...

I looked down at the ground. That scar was a constant reminder of the darkest time of my life.

Y/n: It was a punishment.

Clem: For what?

Y/n: For letting someone live.

Clem: What? Someone punished you for letting someone live?

Y/n: Yeah.

Clem: That guy sounds like a dick.

Y/n: Believe me... he's the worst thing on this earth.

Clem: How'd it happen?

I looked down early the ground again, contemplating whether to tell her or not, but decided to tell her. I mean, Clem has already opened up about her past to me, it's only fair I do the same.

I took a deep breath to mentally prepare myself. For years I've tried to ignore this part of my life, but now I'm thinking about it again. Not only that, but I'm telling someone about it.

How would she react when I told her? Would she still like me? Would she even understand?

Of course she would. It was Clem. If anyone was gonna understand, it would be her.

Y/n: Well... it was a few years ago...

Thanks for reading my story.

Next chapter we're gonna learn about Y/n's past with the Saviours.

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