The Truck

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Y/n's POV
The six of us walked up and looked through the gate. I could see a building, where the truck must be, and lights, which means people are nearby.

Javi: Clem, Y/n, you come with me to get the truck. Kate, Gabe, Mari, you three hang back here. Be ready for anything.

Javi, Clem and I walked over to the edge of the gate. As I opened the gate, Gabe walked over to us.

Gabe: I think I should go with you, actually.

Javi: That wasn't the plan, Gabe.

Clem: Actually... I was kinda hoping you'd be willing to watch my back on this one. Don't wanna get surprised while I'm out there.

Gabe's face went bright red when Clem spoke.

Gabe: Y...yeah, o...okay. I guess somebody needs to be a look out.

I rolled my eyes at both of them, luckily no one saw. I don't know why Clem talking to Gabe annoyed me so much, but the thing is, she wasn't talking to him the same way she talks to me.

To Gabe, she was all sweet, but to me, she's more witty, she'd make fun of me and I'd do the same to her, and I really like that.

But why did she act differently towards Gabe? Does she like him or something?

Clem looked over Gabe's shoulder and saw Kate smiling at the two of them.

Clem: What?

Kate: Nothing. Gabe, Mari and I will be fine back here.

Javi smiled hearing her say that, and the three of us headed through the gate.

Javi: I'll check the area, you two find that truck.

Clem: You got it.

I just nodded, and with that, Javi looked around, leaving Clem and I.

Clem: Hey dork, you okay? You've been quiet ever since your outburst at the apartment.

Y/n: Yeah, I'm fine.

Clem looked down at the ground, surprised I shut her out like that.

Y/n:*Sigh* I'm sorry, I'm just really stressed right now, and Gabe acting like a little kid just really pissed me off and I couldn't help it.

Clem: Hey, we're all a little stressed, you probably more-so than others cause you and Javi are basically leading this whole operation. And it's understandable Gabe set you off, he can be really annoying.

Y/n: You didn't seem to think he was that annoying at the gate.

I mentally cursed myself. How could I be so stupid as to let that slip.

Clem: That? That was nothing. I just knew he wouldn't have stayed if i didn't ask him to, I mean, it's pretty obvious he has a crush on me.

Y/n: Yeah, he's not the best at hiding it.

Clem: No he is not.

We both stayed in a comfortable silence for a few seconds until Clem spoke up again.

Clem: Wait, did me talking all sweet like that to Gabe annoy you?

Y/n: No. Gabe just annoys me, that's it.

Clem: *Gasp* Were you jealous?

Y/n: Me? Jealous of Gabe? *Sarcastically* Sure...

Clem looked at me and smirked again.

Clem: C'mon dork, let's find that car.

Clem went over to the left and looked at all the big construction vehicles, Javi soon joined her.

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