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Y/n's POV
Y/n: I... uh... I'll go with Clem.

Javi: Okay.

Kate and Javi ran to get on the bulldozed while Mari stayed behind to give me a hug, which I awkwardly returned, while stealing glances at Clem.

Mati: Bring my brother back, will you?

Y/n: Of course, Mari. Now go save Richmond.

Mari and I separated and she ran to join Javi and Kate on the bulldozer.

Clem: Let's go. If David and Gabe get too far ahead, we'll never catch them.

Y/n: Your right.

I ran over and hopped onto the motorcycle. I turned it on as Clem got on behind me.

She wrapped her arms around my waist, which honestly made me go a little red.

I kicked up the stand and drove off after David and Gabe.

Small Time Skip
We were driving down the road at crazy high speeds, weaving in and out of walkers.

Clem: How long do we keep driving? We may not find them. They could be too far ahead of us.

Y/n: We'll go for another couple miles. If we can't see any sign of them, then we'll turn back.

Just then, I saw a walker who looked run over. There was a trail of tire tracks leading away from it.

Y/n: This has to be them. Let's hope the road kill will lead us right to 'em.

I said, following the tracks.

I dodged a few more walkers, before making a left turn. I was then I seen them.

The truck was being swarmed by walkers.

Gabe: They're everywhere!

David: Don't let them get to you!

David and Gabe were still in the truck.

Y/n: Guys! Hang on!

Clem and I got off the bike. She pulled out her gun and knife. I took out my gun and staff.

I extended the staff in my hands and held the familiar grip firmly.

I shot down three walkers, which drew the attention of more. Clem ran up and killed two more walkers with her knife.

I ran up and smashed the front end of my staff against one walker, then I drove the back end into another walker's skull. I spun around quickly and shot a bullet which flew through the heads of three different walkers.

I suddenly felt someone grab my foot. I looked down and it was a walker. I kicked my foot free of its grasp and brought my foot down on its head, killing it.

Just then, a walker grabbed my neck, so I quickly shot it with my gun.

The ringing in my ears then exploded as I could hear absolutely nothing else. I wanted to grab my head in pain, but couldn't, because if I did, it would be too easy for a walker to get me.

I looked up and saw another six walkers coming for me. I readied my gun and pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. It was out of ammo.

I holstered my gun and readied my staff.

I hit the first and second walkers with my staff, killing them. I raised my foot and kicked the third walker into the fourth and sent them over to Clem, who was standing ready with her knife. I kicked the fifth walker in the knee, causing it to fall to the ground, and forced my staff through its skull.

Blood In The Water (TWD Clementine x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now