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??: Fuck

I heard the man say as I placed the barrel of my gun to his head.

??: Yeah ... alright alright

He said slightly louder as he dropped his gun at his feet.

Y/n: Good. Just keep looking forward.

??: Look, I'm not a threat to you

The man said sounding quite annoyed.

Y/n: Well, no shit, seeing as your hands are binded and you didn't shoot that man.

I bend down and grabbed the gun at his feet.

Y/n: Now don't do anything stupid, because unlike you, I dont hesitate to shoot.

??: You're a kid.

I heard the man say as I started walking around the truck to inspect the damage.

??: Wait. Did you do that? With the tree?

Y/n: I was trying to stop the truck

I replied as I got down closer to the truck. It was totalled.

Y/n: Shit.

I began to climb inside the truck to see if I could find anything salvageable, but all there was inside was an apple.

??: You stopped it alright.

The man shouted to me as I climbed out of the truck, taking a bite out of the apple.
My patience had now run thin because my plan went to shit.

Y/n: Put your hands up and close your eyes.

I ordered as I walked behind him and began rummaging inside his bag.

??: Hey, I'm the victim here.

Y/n: We're all victims.

??: Oh, so it's okay for you to rob me?

Y/n: This is payment for saving you.

I told him as I started taking what he had in his bag.

I then pulled out a candy bar and was about to put it in my bag when the man said to me.

??: That's for my niece. Please. She loves chocolate more than anything.

I listened closely to the tone of his voice and I knew he was being genuine, so I put it back.

Y/n: Keep your eyes closed and count to 100 before you go.

I told him as I began to slowly back away.

??: Wait. My family. We were attacked and I just need to know where I am. We were driving down the 522 and that's when we found the junkyard. They're still there. I need to get back to them.

Y/n: I know where that it

I told him, but one word he said stuck out to me.

Y/n: You said you were driving?

??: In our van. Yeah he told me.

That is all I needed to hear.

Y/n: I'll take you to the junkyard. If I can have your van.

The man looked down at his feet as he was making his decision.

Y/n: I'll get you there in one piece, and then I'll drive away.

The man then sighed, indicating that he's made a decision, but isn't sure if it's the right call.

??: You've got a deal.

Blood In The Water (TWD Clementine x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now