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Y/n's POV
Javi, Gabe and I crouched our way around Richmond, until we came to the outer walls, and all you could hear was banging and growling.

Javi: What's all that noise?

Gabe: It's a herd. They're outside the walls. This way, c'mon.

Javi and I followed Gabe as we raced through Richmond, hiding when some New Frontier came into view.

Gabe: Kate didn't want to stay at Dad's house.

Javi: Where are we going?

Gabe: Eleanor found a place. She sent me to find you while they hide out.

Javi: Is Kate doing okay?

Gabe: Yeah, she's fine. Eleanor's watching her just in case, and Mari hasn't left her side.

Y/n: We should probably keep moving.

We ran down the street some more, until hiding behind a few dumpsters.

Javi: I can't believe you found me.

Y/n: When I heard you got caught, the quarantine zone was the first place I thought of. Figured they were using it as a makeshift prison until they got a proper one.

Gabe: They've still got my Dad, though. He's gonna be okay, right? I mean, these are his people, they wouldn't hurt him, would they?

Javi: To be honest, it's not looking good for him right now.

Gabe: What? Then we have to help him.

Y/n: It's better if we meet up with the others first Gabe.

We looked over the dumpsters and watched as a New Frontier soldier went inside a building.

Javi: All clear. Let's go.

We ran on some more, until taking cover behind roadblocks.

Gabe: Kate keeps pushing us to leave. You have to make her stay. We have to stay until Dad's free.

Javi: I'll talk to her. I'll try to convince her.

Gabe: Good. It's important.

Gabe stood up and was about to run until I pulled him down.

Gabe: Hey!

I shoved my hand over Gabe's mouth to shut him up, and pointed to the New Frontier soldiers that just rounded a corner.

Y/n: Go, now.

We ran on until Gabe stopped again, but this time, at a grave site.

Gabe: Everything's gone wrong here, hasn't it. We should be safe in this town.

Javi: We'll fix it for us, when we get your Dad back and our family back together.

Gabe: Okay.

We walked a little bit farther before stopping in front of a large apartment building.

Gabe: That's Eleanor's place. We made it.

Javi: Great. Let's get in there.

We ran across the street, nearly making it to the door, but then the door opened revealing two more New Frontier soldiers.

The three of us quickly bolted down the street to get to cover. I ran as fast as I could and slid behind some roadblocks before I could be spotted.

Gabe: Phew, that was close.

Javi: Yeah.

Gabe: This wasn't so busy before. What are they up to?

We watched the soldiers as they walked down the street. We waited until they had their backs turned to us before sprinting into the building.

Blood In The Water (TWD Clementine x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now