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Happy New Year Everyone!!!

Y/n's POV
I made my way over in the direction Mariana went off following Gabe. On my way I found Tripp working on his truck.

Y/n: Tripp.

Tripp: Hey kid. How's she doing?

Tripp asked me, looking over at Kate laying down on the stretcher.

Y/n: Honestly. Not good. Those sons of bitches really got her good. She needs a real doctor if she wants a real chance at living.

Tripp: Well shit. No wonder that kid came running past here, all pissed off looking.

Y/n: Orange beanie on his head?

Tripp: That's the one. A girl came by not to long after. She'd be about a year or two younger than him.

Y/n: Yeah, that's his sister.

I suddenly heard a car pull up outside of Prescott's walls. And less than two seconds later, Javi came bursting through the front gates.

He then spotted Tripp and I talking, and began to run over to us.

Y/n: Look, dont tell Javi what I said about Kate. It's better he hears it from a doctor.

Tripp nodded in understanding, just as Javi made his way to us.

Javi: Where's Kate?

Y/n: Over there.

I said as I nodded to Kate and Eleanor in the infirmary.

Y/n: Eleanor's just patching her...

I didnt even finish my sentence, before Javi ran over to the infirmary.

I looked over to the gate Javi came in, less than two minutes ago, and saw Gabe angrily stomping through it, with Mariana jogging after him.

Mariana stopped jogging after her brother, once he made it through the gate and passed Prescott's boarders. I looked over at her and saw that she wasnt one bit pleased at her brother.

Y/n: Hey Mariana, you okay?

She looked up and saw me making my way over to her.

Mariana: Alright. It's just... Gabe's acting so stupid.

Y/n: Why? What's he doing?

Mariana: He's just being so angry. He's mad at himself, for pouring alcohol on Kate. He's mad at Javi, for not coming with us. And most of all, he's angry at you for suggesting Javi stay.

This confused me. I mean, I understand being mad about pouring alcohol on Kate, that was very stupid.

And I understand that he's upset Javi stayed at the junkyard, but still being angry about it, is just plain childish.

Y/n: I'll go talk to him. You should go see how Javi's doing.

Mariana: Javi's back? Ok I'll go see him. Thanks Y/n.

Y/n: Your welcome Mariana.

Mariana: You can call me Mari, if you want. Everyone else does.

Y/n: Ok Mari.

Mariana then ran off to find Javi, while I walked off past Conrad, who was working on reinforcing the gate, and over to Gabe, who was busy digging an axe into a walker's skull, over and over again.

Y/n: Umm... You alright Gabe?

Gabe looked over his shoulder to see who was speaking to him. Gabe wore a dark, grim look on his face, which only got darker when he saw it was me speaking to him.

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