Under The River

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Y/n's POV
Jesus: These tunnels were abandoned decades ago. But I've heard you can get through... here's hoping.

We were making our way down through the train tunnel, Jesus leading us with his hands still tied together, while Clem was bringing up the rear.

Clem: Hey Y/n, I need to talk to you.

I turned around to face her and saw on her face that whatever she wanted to talk about was serious.

Y/n: Uh... sure. About?

Clem: Do you remember back when we talked in Prescott? I nodded Well you were right about me having a secret. The truth is I know the New Frontier better than I want to admit.

Y/n: How do you know them so well?

She took a deep breath and sighed before rolling up the sleeve on her left arm revealing the mark of the New Frontier.

Clem: Because I was one of them.

I looked ahead of me to make sure that no one was watching or eavesdropping on us, and saw Conrad looking over his shoulder at us, but I was pretty sure he couldn't see Clem's mark.

Clem: I should have told you sooner. I... I really should have.

Y/n: You were with those assholes?

Clem: Listen... She rolled down her sleeve covering her mark again... I'm not asking you to forgive me. But you have to understand... I had nobody. And they had food, supplies. I was all alone Y/n, you of all people should  know how desperate that makes someone for a home.

The rest of the group rounded a corner and went through a door, while Clem and I lagged behind.

Y/n: I understand why you joined them, but I need to know... are you still one of them?

Clem: No way, believe me.

Y/n: Okay.

The two of us then went through the door and joined the rest of the group, when we heard walker growls echoing all across the tunnel.

Tripp: You hear that?

Javi: Sounds like it's coming from over there

Tripp: See anything?

Javi then began to shine his torch all over the tunnel when a walker popped up a few feet away from him.

Javi: Aah!

Gabe: They're everywhere!

We all turned around in different directions and saw that dozens of walkers were coming out of nowhere.

Tripp: Fuck. They are, keep sharp.

Jesus: Y/n, watch out!

I turned around and saw a Walker about to bite my neck. I moved out of the way and pushed it back.

I tightened my grip on my torch as the walker came closer, and smashed it into its head, stunning it. I hit it again with the torch, this time killing it.

Gabe: Javi, help!

Javi then ran over to Gabe who was being cornered by three walkers, and stabbed one through the chin.

I was about to run over and help when I saw Jesus run over, jump against the wall and kicking one of the walkers while pulling apart the zip ties on his wrists. He then grabbed the other walker by the head and flipped him over his shoulder and to the ground, before crushing the walker's skull beneath his boot.

Javi: Thanks, I--

Javi got cut off by the sound Conrad firing his shotgun.

Conrad: These fuckers are everywhere!

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